TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (2024)

Biotic Factors-

  • Biotic factorsor components are mainlyreferred to all the living things in the ecosystem. Their presence or their materials affect the composition of an ecosystem. These materials include all living organisms, like animals, humans, plants, fungi, and bacteria.All the interactions will make adifference in the survival and reproduction of each species.
  • All living components of an ecosystem, including theproducers, consumers, and decomposers, or detritivoresare considered asbiotic examples.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "When was the Integrated Rural Development Programmelaunched?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "When was the Integrated Rural Development Programmelaunched?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1950", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "When was the Integrated Rural Development Programmelaunched?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1991", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "When was the Integrated Rural Development Programmelaunched?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1980", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "When was the Integrated Rural Development Programmelaunched?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1978", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "When was the Integrated Rural Development Programmelaunched?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "When was the Integrated Rural Development Programmelaunched?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP) was launched by the Government of India during the financial year of 1978 and implemented during 1980. The main motto of the program was to provide employment opportunities to the poor community as well as opportunities to develop their skill sets so as to improve their living conditions.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the statements about the population pyramid.

(A) Concentration of population in the middle of the population pyramid indicates a high dependency ratio.

(B) Elderly dependent population is reflected at the top of the population pyramid.

(C) A broad base that rapidly narrows towards the top indicates high rates of both birth and death.

Choose the appropriate option.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Consider the statements about the population pyramid.

(A) Concentration of population in the middle of the population pyramid indicates a high dependency ratio.

(B) Elderly dependent population is reflected at the top of the population pyramid.

(C) A broad base that rapidly narrows towards the top indicates high rates of both birth and death.

Choose the appropriate option.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) and (B) are correct", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the statements about the population pyramid.

(A) Concentration of population in the middle of the population pyramid indicates a high dependency ratio.

(B) Elderly dependent population is reflected at the top of the population pyramid.

(C) A broad base that rapidly narrows towards the top indicates high rates of both birth and death.

Choose the appropriate option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(B) and (C) are correct", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the statements about the population pyramid.

(A) Concentration of population in the middle of the population pyramid indicates a high dependency ratio.

(B) Elderly dependent population is reflected at the top of the population pyramid.

(C) A broad base that rapidly narrows towards the top indicates high rates of both birth and death.

Choose the appropriate option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) and (C) are correct", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the statements about the population pyramid.

(A) Concentration of population in the middle of the population pyramid indicates a high dependency ratio.

(B) Elderly dependent population is reflected at the top of the population pyramid.

(C) A broad base that rapidly narrows towards the top indicates high rates of both birth and death.

Choose the appropriate option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All (A), (B) and (C) are correct", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the statements about the population pyramid.

(A) Concentration of population in the middle of the population pyramid indicates a high dependency ratio.

(B) Elderly dependent population is reflected at the top of the population pyramid.

(C) A broad base that rapidly narrows towards the top indicates high rates of both birth and death.

Choose the appropriate option.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the statements about the population pyramid.

(A) Concentration of population in the middle of the population pyramid indicates a high dependency ratio.

(B) Elderly dependent population is reflected at the top of the population pyramid.

(C) A broad base that rapidly narrows towards the top indicates high rates of both birth and death.

Choose the appropriate option.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

​A population pyramid shows

  • The total population is divided into various age groups, e.g., 5 to 9 years, 10 to 14 years.
  • The percentage of the total population, subdivided into males and females, in each of those groups.

Important PointsThe shape of the population pyramid tells the story of the people living in that particular country.

  • The numbers of children (below 15 years) are shown at the bottom and reflect the level of births.
  • The size of the top shows the numbers of aged people (above 65 years) and reflects the number of deaths. Thus, statement B is correct.
  • The population pyramid also tells us how many dependents there are in a country.
  • There are two groups of dependents - young dependents (aged below 15 years) and elderly dependents (aged over 65 years).
  • Those of the working age are economically active.
  • The population pyramid of a country in which birth and death rates both are high is broad at the base and rapidly narrows towards the top.Thus,statement Cis correct.
  • This is because although many children are born, a large percentage of them die in their infancy, relatively few become adults and there are very few old people.
  • In countries where death rates (especially amongst the very young) are decreasing, the pyramid is broad in the younger age groups, because more infants survive to adulthood. This can be seen in the pyramid for India.
  • Such populations contain a relatively large number of young people and which means a strong and expanding labor force. In countries like Japan, low birth rates make the pyramid narrow at the base.
  • Decreased death rates allow numbers of people to reach old age.

Additional Information

  • Populationpyramids are wider in the middle of the graph as thepopulationhas high numbers ofmiddle-aged elderly people, but fewer young people.
  • A high dependency ratioindicates that the economically active population and the overall economy face a greater burden to support and provide the social services needed by children and by older persons who are often economically dependent.
  • Thus, statement A is incorrect.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The term ‘Umland’ refers to:" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "The term ‘Umland’ refers to:","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Heart of a town", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The term ‘Umland’ refers to:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Residential area of a town", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The term ‘Umland’ refers to:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Satellite town", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The term ‘Umland’ refers to:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Area surrounding a town", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The term ‘Umland’ refers to:" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The term ‘Umland’ refers to:" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Area surrounding a town.
Key PointsUmland

  • In geography, 'Umland' is a German term that refers to the surrounding countryside or hinterland of a town or city.
  • It includes the rural areas, suburbs, and small towns that are closely connected to the urban center in terms of economic, social, and cultural ties.
  • Umland is also used to describe the functional region that is influenced by the urban center, including the commuting zone and the trade area.
  • The concept of Umland is important in urban geography and regional planning because it reflects the spatial relationships and interdependencies between urban and rural areas.
  • The Umland provides resources, such as food, water, and energy, to the urban center, while the city provides jobs, services, and markets to the surrounding region.
  • The development of Umland can also affect the environment, as land use changes and urbanization alter the natural and agricultural landscapes.

Additional Information

  1. Heart of a town: This term refers to the central or downtown area of a town or city, often where the commercial and cultural activities are concentrated. The heart of a town is typically the oldest and most densely populated part of the urban center.

  2. Residential area of a town: This term refers to the parts of a town or city that are primarily used for housing. Residential areas can range from high-density apartment complexes to low-density suburban neighborhoods, depending on the size and structure of the town.

  3. Satellite town: This term refers to a town or city that is located near a larger urban center but is independent and self-sufficient in terms of its economy and services. Satellite towns are often built to accommodate the growing population and economic activities of the urban center, but also to provide an alternative living and working environment.

While these terms are related to the concept of a town or city, they refer to specific aspects of the urban or peri-urban landscape, whereas Umland refers more generally to the surrounding region that is closely connected to the town or city.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which is not a characteristic of culture?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which is not a characteristic of culture?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Culture is hereditary", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which is not a characteristic of culture?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Culture is dynamic", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which is not a characteristic of culture?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Culture is adaptive", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which is not a characteristic of culture?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Culture is symbolic", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which is not a characteristic of culture?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which is not a characteristic of culture?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Culture is hereditary.

Culture is an umbrella term that encompasses the social behavior, institutions, and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups. Culture often originated from or is attributed to a specific region or location.

Key Points

Culture has five basic characteristics: It is learned, shared, based on symbols, integrated, and dynamic. All cultures share these basic features-

  • Culture is learned. It is not biological, and hereditary; we do not inherit it. Much of learning culture is unconscious. We learn about culture from families, peers, institutions, and media. The process of learning culture is known as enculturation. While all humans have basic biological needs such as food, sleep, and sex, the way we fulfill those needs varies cross-culturally.
  • Culture is shared, Because we share culture with other members of our group, we can act in socially appropriate ways and predict how others will act. Despite the shared nature of culture, that does not mean that culture is hom*ogenous (the same). The multiple cultural worlds that exist in any society are discussed in detail below.
  • Culture is based on symbols, A symbol is something that stands for something else. Symbols vary cross-culturally and are arbitrary. They only have meaning when people in a culture agree on their use. Language, money, and art are all symbols. Language is the most important symbolic component of culture.
  • Culture is integrated, This is known as holism or the interconnected parts of a culture. All aspects of a culture are related to one another and to truly understand a culture, one must learn about all its parts, not only a few.
  • Culture is dynamic. This simply means that cultures interact and change. Because most cultures are in contact with other cultures, they exchange ideas and symbols. All cultures change, otherwise, they would have problems adapting to changing environments. And because cultures are integrated, if one component in the system changes, the entire system must likely adjust.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following are not correct about Neo-Determinism?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following are not correct about Neo-Determinism?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "It is reaction to possibilism", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following are not correct about Neo-Determinism?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Man is able to accelerate, slow, or stop the progress of development", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following are not correct about Neo-Determinism?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Griffith Taylor is the founder", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following are not correct about Neo-Determinism?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Nature provides possibilities and man utilises them wisely", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following are not correct about Neo-Determinism?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following are not correct about Neo-Determinism?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


  • Australian geographer Griffith Taylor, in 1920 argued that the limit of agricultural settlements in Australia has been set by factors of the physical environment such as a distribution of rainfall. He further said that the best economic programme for a country to follow has in large part been determined by nature, and it is the geographer’s duty to interpret this programme.
  • Man is able to accelerate, slow, or stop the progress of a country’s regional development. But he should not, if he is wise, depart from directions as indicated by natural environment. He is like the traffic controller in a large city who alters the rate but not the direction of progress.
  • This theory is also called ‘’stop and go determinism’’.
  • It says that man follows nature’s plan only if he is wise, presuming he can act foolishly, which admits the possible contention that within broad limits set by the environment, man can choose at the very least. But wisdom and folly are human concepts. Nature knows nothing about them.
  • This theory says that in no environment are the possibilities limitless and for every choice a price must be paid. Man makes his choice and man himself judges its relative wisdom or folly by reference to goals he himself has established.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a) Weber's assumptions of a perfect competition with the spatial framework of a society has been criticized by many.

b) According to Losch, firms tend to locate at the most profitable of the production points.

c) E M Hoover used Isotims for joining places of equal transport costs.

d) D M Smith utilized the least cost approach of Weber with some of monopolistic -market area approach of Losch.

Which of the following options are correct?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Consider the following statements:-

a) Weber's assumptions of a perfect competition with the spatial framework of a society has been criticized by many.

b) According to Losch, firms tend to locate at the most profitable of the production points.

c) E M Hoover used Isotims for joining places of equal transport costs.

d) D M Smith utilized the least cost approach of Weber with some of monopolistic -market area approach of Losch.

Which of the following options are correct?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a, b and d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a) Weber's assumptions of a perfect competition with the spatial framework of a society has been criticized by many.

b) According to Losch, firms tend to locate at the most profitable of the production points.

c) E M Hoover used Isotims for joining places of equal transport costs.

d) D M Smith utilized the least cost approach of Weber with some of monopolistic -market area approach of Losch.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b and c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a) Weber's assumptions of a perfect competition with the spatial framework of a society has been criticized by many.

b) According to Losch, firms tend to locate at the most profitable of the production points.

c) E M Hoover used Isotims for joining places of equal transport costs.

d) D M Smith utilized the least cost approach of Weber with some of monopolistic -market area approach of Losch.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c and d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a) Weber's assumptions of a perfect competition with the spatial framework of a society has been criticized by many.

b) According to Losch, firms tend to locate at the most profitable of the production points.

c) E M Hoover used Isotims for joining places of equal transport costs.

d) D M Smith utilized the least cost approach of Weber with some of monopolistic -market area approach of Losch.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a and c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a) Weber's assumptions of a perfect competition with the spatial framework of a society has been criticized by many.

b) According to Losch, firms tend to locate at the most profitable of the production points.

c) E M Hoover used Isotims for joining places of equal transport costs.

d) D M Smith utilized the least cost approach of Weber with some of monopolistic -market area approach of Losch.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a) Weber's assumptions of a perfect competition with the spatial framework of a society has been criticized by many.

b) According to Losch, firms tend to locate at the most profitable of the production points.

c) E M Hoover used Isotims for joining places of equal transport costs.

d) D M Smith utilized the least cost approach of Weber with some of monopolistic -market area approach of Losch.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Hoover proposed his theory of industrial location whose determinants of location of industries were transportation costs and extraction costs. The delivered price for the buyers will be the cost of extraction plus the transport costs. This was represented by isotims, which start from the point of production or extraction and joins the places containing the same delivered prices. Buyers will obtain the product from the source that offers the lowest delivered price.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Foreign Direct Investment is not beneficial for economic growth.

Reason (R) : Foreign Direct Investment increases trade in the economy.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Foreign Direct Investment is not beneficial for economic growth.

Reason (R) : Foreign Direct Investment increases trade in the economy.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Foreign Direct Investment is not beneficial for economic growth.

Reason (R) : Foreign Direct Investment increases trade in the economy.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Foreign Direct Investment is not beneficial for economic growth.

Reason (R) : Foreign Direct Investment increases trade in the economy.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) is true, but (R) is false", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Foreign Direct Investment is not beneficial for economic growth.

Reason (R) : Foreign Direct Investment increases trade in the economy.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) is false, but (R) is true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Foreign Direct Investment is not beneficial for economic growth.

Reason (R) : Foreign Direct Investment increases trade in the economy.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Foreign Direct Investment is not beneficial for economic growth.

Reason (R) : Foreign Direct Investment increases trade in the economy.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Foreign Direct Investment means that companies from other countries invest in the companies in the host country. This provides employment to workers and increases the foreign currency in the country. Utilization of available resources is also done. The FDI facilitates trade as the amount of finished product increase. Thus, it is helpful for economic growth. Thus, (R) is true and (A) is false.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following Railway zones and their Headquarters is not correct?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following Railway zones and their Headquarters is not correct?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following Railway zones and their Headquarters is not correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following Railway zones and their Headquarters is not correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following Railway zones and their Headquarters is not correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Western-Mumbai", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following Railway zones and their Headquarters is not correct?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following Railway zones and their Headquarters is not correct?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

South-Central-Hyderabad Railway zones and their Headquarters is not correct. Secunderabad Division was split into two Divisions viz. Secunderabad and Hyderabad on 17-Feb-1978. Following re-organisation of zones and Divisions with effect from 01-04-2003, two new Divisions viz., Guntur and Nanded were operationalised duly transferring Hubli Division to newly formed South Western Railway.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Study the following pairs (P, Q, R, S) with respect to GPS receivers used in GPS surveys and select the correct answer based on the matching.

P : GPS receivers : L-band radio processor

Q : Self-contained GPS receivers : Also known as 'GPS mice'

R : Dual-frequency receivers : Survey grade GPS, position accuracy according to differential correction within sub-centimetre

S : Carrier phase receivers : GPS receivers with 10 to 30 cm position accuracy with differential correction

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Study the following pairs (P, Q, R, S) with respect to GPS receivers used in GPS surveys and select the correct answer based on the matching.

P : GPS receivers : L-band radio processor

Q : Self-contained GPS receivers : Also known as 'GPS mice'

R : Dual-frequency receivers : Survey grade GPS, position accuracy according to differential correction within sub-centimetre

S : Carrier phase receivers : GPS receivers with 10 to 30 cm position accuracy with differential correction

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "P, R, S only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Study the following pairs (P, Q, R, S) with respect to GPS receivers used in GPS surveys and select the correct answer based on the matching.

P : GPS receivers : L-band radio processor

Q : Self-contained GPS receivers : Also known as 'GPS mice'

R : Dual-frequency receivers : Survey grade GPS, position accuracy according to differential correction within sub-centimetre

S : Carrier phase receivers : GPS receivers with 10 to 30 cm position accuracy with differential correction

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "P, S only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Study the following pairs (P, Q, R, S) with respect to GPS receivers used in GPS surveys and select the correct answer based on the matching.

P : GPS receivers : L-band radio processor

Q : Self-contained GPS receivers : Also known as 'GPS mice'

R : Dual-frequency receivers : Survey grade GPS, position accuracy according to differential correction within sub-centimetre

S : Carrier phase receivers : GPS receivers with 10 to 30 cm position accuracy with differential correction

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Q, R only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Study the following pairs (P, Q, R, S) with respect to GPS receivers used in GPS surveys and select the correct answer based on the matching.

P : GPS receivers : L-band radio processor

Q : Self-contained GPS receivers : Also known as 'GPS mice'

R : Dual-frequency receivers : Survey grade GPS, position accuracy according to differential correction within sub-centimetre

S : Carrier phase receivers : GPS receivers with 10 to 30 cm position accuracy with differential correction

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "P, Q only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Study the following pairs (P, Q, R, S) with respect to GPS receivers used in GPS surveys and select the correct answer based on the matching.

P : GPS receivers : L-band radio processor

Q : Self-contained GPS receivers : Also known as 'GPS mice'

R : Dual-frequency receivers : Survey grade GPS, position accuracy according to differential correction within sub-centimetre

S : Carrier phase receivers : GPS receivers with 10 to 30 cm position accuracy with differential correction

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Study the following pairs (P, Q, R, S) with respect to GPS receivers used in GPS surveys and select the correct answer based on the matching.

P : GPS receivers : L-band radio processor

Q : Self-contained GPS receivers : Also known as 'GPS mice'

R : Dual-frequency receivers : Survey grade GPS, position accuracy according to differential correction within sub-centimetre

S : Carrier phase receivers : GPS receivers with 10 to 30 cm position accuracy with differential correction

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


GPS Receivers -A GPS receiver is an L-band radio processor. It processes the signal broadcast by GPS satellites, solves the equations for navigation so that user can easily compute their position, precise time & velocity.

Types of GPS Receivers

  1. On the basis of features
  2. On the basis of level of accuracy

Types of GPS Receivers on the basis of features-

  • Not-self-contained receivers: also known as 'GPS mice'. These are without screen and are need to be connected to a computer for the purpose of visualization of real position of GPS receiver.Bluetooth (wireless) can be the link of connection between the GPS and computer. This type is best used in car-navigation systems.
  • Self contained receivers: have a screen and is integrated with the computer itself. Sometimes. additional features e.g. electroniccompass, barometer etc. are found in this type. It is primarily used in boating and aviation.
  • Sophisticated receivers: are meant for professional use. e.g. in the field of mapping & GIS. transportation safety, crop & agriculture etc. Though the working principle remains the same as others, the only important difference is its storage capacity and higher accuracy, which helps to store a larger amount of data that can be treated later in the office.

Types of GPS Receivers on the basis of different levels of accuracy-

  • C/A Code receivers: These receivers have the accuracy of 1 to 5 m related to position and differential correction so that getting an occupation time of 5 seconds. The recent advancement in the GPS receiver design now enables it to provide sub-meter accuracy down to 30 cm.
  • Carrier Phase receivers: These receivers provide 10-30 cm GPS position accuracy with differential correction. The distance from the receiver to the satellite is measured by determining the total number of waves which supports the C/A code signal, which is more accurate and takes about 5 minutes of the occupation time.
  • Dual-Frequency receivers: provide GPS position accuracy according to differential correction within sub centimeter & accuracyaccording to survey grade. These receivers are presented with the signals from satellites on the basis of two frequencies at the same time. The use of two frequencies will help in omission of atmospheric and other errors and thus improving the accuracy.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The most suitable site for Ocean (tidal) energy is:" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "The most suitable site for Ocean (tidal) energy is:","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Gulf of Khambat (Cambay)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The most suitable site for Ocean (tidal) energy is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Palk Strait", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The most suitable site for Ocean (tidal) energy is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Mouth of Ganga", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The most suitable site for Ocean (tidal) energy is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Chilka Lake", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The most suitable site for Ocean (tidal) energy is:" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The most suitable site for Ocean (tidal) energy is:" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer isGulf of Khambat (Cambay).

Key Points

  • The most attractive locations are the Gulf of Cambay and the Gulf of Kachchh on the west coast.
    • The maximum tidal range is 11 m and 8 m with an average tidal range of 6.77 m and 5.23 m respectively.
    • The Ganges Delta in the Sunderbans in West Bengal also has good locations for small-scale tidal power development.
  • The tidal power potential in India is of the order of 8000-9000 MW with about 7000 MW in the Gulf of Cambay.

Additional Information

  • What is Tidal Energy?
    • Tides are a regular phenomenon. They can be predicted over months and years in advance. This is why the energy from this massive movement of water can be harnessed and converted into a usable form of energy.
  • Some advantages of tidal energy are:
    • Environment-friendly
    • A highly predictable energy source
    • High energy density
  • Some disadvantages of tidal energy are:
    • ​High tidal power plant construction costs.
    • Negative influence on marine life forms.
    • Location limits.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following factors are required for the cultivation of wheat?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following factors are required for the cultivation of wheat?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Sandy soil with poor drainage", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following factors are required for the cultivation of wheat?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Grown in areas more than 150 cm of rainfall.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following factors are required for the cultivation of wheat?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Mean monthly temperature of 30-35 degree Celsius.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following factors are required for the cultivation of wheat?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Cool climate with moderate rainfall.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following factors are required for the cultivation of wheat?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following factors are required for the cultivation of wheat?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Wheat is a rabi crop and requires a temperature of 21-26 degree Celsius during the summer season. Annual rainfall of about 75 cm. is perfect for the cultivation of wheat. However, it can be grown in a variety of soils, well drained fertile and clay loams.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements .

(A) Rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals with definite composition of consituent minerals.

(B) Minerals are created by natural process without any human interference.

Choose the correct option.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Consider the following statements .

(A) Rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals with definite composition of consituent minerals.

(B) Minerals are created by natural process without any human interference.

Choose the correct option.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both (A) and (B) are true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements .

(A) Rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals with definite composition of consituent minerals.

(B) Minerals are created by natural process without any human interference.

Choose the correct option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both (A) and (B) are false", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements .

(A) Rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals with definite composition of consituent minerals.

(B) Minerals are created by natural process without any human interference.

Choose the correct option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) is true but (B) is fasle", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements .

(A) Rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals with definite composition of consituent minerals.

(B) Minerals are created by natural process without any human interference.

Choose the correct option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) is false, (B) is true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements .

(A) Rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals with definite composition of consituent minerals.

(B) Minerals are created by natural process without any human interference.

Choose the correct option.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements .

(A) Rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals with definite composition of consituent minerals.

(B) Minerals are created by natural process without any human interference.

Choose the correct option.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is (A) is false, (B) is true.

Key PointsThe question is about the characteristics of rocks and minerals.

  • A rock is as an aggregate of one or more minerals without a definite composition of constituent minerals.
  • That means it is composed of multiple minerals grouped together.
  • The minerals in a rock may come in many different shapes, sizes, and combinations.
  • Rocks usually don't have a specific chemical formula, as they are composed of many different minerals, each with its own chemical composition.
  • Minerals are naturally occurring substances that are formed through geological processes without any human interference.
  • Minerals, on the other hand, are naturally occurring substances that are solid, stable at room temperature, representable by a chemical formula, usually abiogenic (formed by geological processes), and have an ordered atomic structure.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The temperature-depth profile of the ocean is an interesting topic of study. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect regarding this?

1. About 90 per cent of the total volume of water is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean.

2. The thermocline layer is characterised by a rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth.

3. The highest temperature of the ocean waters is recorded at the equator.

Identify the correct answer from the codes given below." },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The temperature-depth profile of the ocean is an interesting topic of study. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect regarding this?

1. About 90 per cent of the total volume of water is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean.

2. The thermocline layer is characterised by a rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth.

3. The highest temperature of the ocean waters is recorded at the equator.

Identify the correct answer from the codes given below.","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1 and 2 only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The temperature-depth profile of the ocean is an interesting topic of study. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect regarding this?

1. About 90 per cent of the total volume of water is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean.

2. The thermocline layer is characterised by a rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth.

3. The highest temperature of the ocean waters is recorded at the equator.

Identify the correct answer from the codes given below." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "3 only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The temperature-depth profile of the ocean is an interesting topic of study. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect regarding this?

1. About 90 per cent of the total volume of water is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean.

2. The thermocline layer is characterised by a rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth.

3. The highest temperature of the ocean waters is recorded at the equator.

Identify the correct answer from the codes given below." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2 and 3 only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The temperature-depth profile of the ocean is an interesting topic of study. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect regarding this?

1. About 90 per cent of the total volume of water is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean.

2. The thermocline layer is characterised by a rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth.

3. The highest temperature of the ocean waters is recorded at the equator.

Identify the correct answer from the codes given below." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1 only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The temperature-depth profile of the ocean is an interesting topic of study. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect regarding this?

1. About 90 per cent of the total volume of water is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean.

2. The thermocline layer is characterised by a rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth.

3. The highest temperature of the ocean waters is recorded at the equator.

Identify the correct answer from the codes given below." }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The temperature-depth profile of the ocean is an interesting topic of study. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect regarding this?

1. About 90 per cent of the total volume of water is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean.

2. The thermocline layer is characterised by a rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth.

3. The highest temperature of the ocean waters is recorded at the equator.

Identify the correct answer from the codes given below." }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

  • The temperature-depth profile shows a boundary region between the surface waters of the ocean and the deeper layers. This boundary region, from where there is a rapid decrease of temperature, is called the thermocline.
  • About 90 per cent of the total volume of water is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean. Hence Statement 1 is correct.
  • The thermocline layer is 500 to 1000m thick and is characterised by rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth. Hence Statement 2 is correct.
  • The rate of decrease of temperature with increasing latitude is generally 0.5°C per latitude.
  • The oceans in the northern hemisphere record relatively higher temperatures than in the southern hemisphere. The highest temperature is not recorded at the equator but slightly towards north of it. Hence Statement 3 is incorrect.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Statement I: The Doldrums is a low-pressure area around the Equator where the prevailing winds are calm

Statement II: Low pressure is caused by the heat at the Equator which makes the air rise and travel both Northwards and Southwards" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Statement I: The Doldrums is a low-pressure area around the Equator where the prevailing winds are calm

Statement II: Low pressure is caused by the heat at the Equator which makes the air rise and travel both Northwards and Southwards","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both the statements are individually true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Statement I: The Doldrums is a low-pressure area around the Equator where the prevailing winds are calm

Statement II: Low pressure is caused by the heat at the Equator which makes the air rise and travel both Northwards and Southwards" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both the statements are individually true but Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Statement I: The Doldrums is a low-pressure area around the Equator where the prevailing winds are calm

Statement II: Low pressure is caused by the heat at the Equator which makes the air rise and travel both Northwards and Southwards" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Statement I is true but Statement II is false", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Statement I: The Doldrums is a low-pressure area around the Equator where the prevailing winds are calm

Statement II: Low pressure is caused by the heat at the Equator which makes the air rise and travel both Northwards and Southwards" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Statement I is false but Statement II is true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Statement I: The Doldrums is a low-pressure area around the Equator where the prevailing winds are calm

Statement II: Low pressure is caused by the heat at the Equator which makes the air rise and travel both Northwards and Southwards" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Statement I: The Doldrums is a low-pressure area around the Equator where the prevailing winds are calm

Statement II: Low pressure is caused by the heat at the Equator which makes the air rise and travel both Northwards and Southwards" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is 1.

Key Points

  • Equatorial Low-Pressure Belt or ‘Doldrums’-
    • It is located in the vicinity of the geographical equator between 5° North and 5° South latitude.
    • Width may vary between 5°N and 5°S and 20°N and 20°S.
    • This belt is also called the Doldrums, because of the extremely calm air movements. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
    • It is the region of convergence of trade winds blowing equatorward from the sub-tropical belts of high pressure in the northern and southern hemispheres. Hence, statement 2 is correct and Statement 2 is the correct explanation of Statement 1.
    • The position of the belt varies with the apparent movement of the Sun.

Important Points

  • Formation of Equatorial Low-Pressure Belt
    • As this region lies along the equator, it receives the highest amount of insolation.
    • Due to intense heating, the air gets warmed up and rises over the equatorial region (convection).
    • Whenever there is a vertically upward movement of air, the region at the surface will be at low pressure. Thus the belt along the equator is called the equatorial low-pressure belt.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about ecological factors:-

i. Light and temperature are direct ecological factors.

ii. Indirect factors include soil structure, altitude, wind and slope.

iii. Edaphic factors and biotic factors can be included in physical factors.

Choose the correct option from below:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Consider the following statements about ecological factors:-

i. Light and temperature are direct ecological factors.

ii. Indirect factors include soil structure, altitude, wind and slope.

iii. Edaphic factors and biotic factors can be included in physical factors.

Choose the correct option from below:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only i", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about ecological factors:-

i. Light and temperature are direct ecological factors.

ii. Indirect factors include soil structure, altitude, wind and slope.

iii. Edaphic factors and biotic factors can be included in physical factors.

Choose the correct option from below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "ii and iii", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about ecological factors:-

i. Light and temperature are direct ecological factors.

ii. Indirect factors include soil structure, altitude, wind and slope.

iii. Edaphic factors and biotic factors can be included in physical factors.

Choose the correct option from below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only iii", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about ecological factors:-

i. Light and temperature are direct ecological factors.

ii. Indirect factors include soil structure, altitude, wind and slope.

iii. Edaphic factors and biotic factors can be included in physical factors.

Choose the correct option from below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "i, ii and iii", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about ecological factors:-

i. Light and temperature are direct ecological factors.

ii. Indirect factors include soil structure, altitude, wind and slope.

iii. Edaphic factors and biotic factors can be included in physical factors.

Choose the correct option from below:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about ecological factors:-

i. Light and temperature are direct ecological factors.

ii. Indirect factors include soil structure, altitude, wind and slope.

iii. Edaphic factors and biotic factors can be included in physical factors.

Choose the correct option from below:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The environment is an amalgamation of various features called factors. These are the product of forces and process of nature and are universal and inherent all over the earth. These factors are classified into two groups direct factors and indirect factors. The direct factors are light, temperature, soil air, water etc. and indirect factors include soil structure, soil organisms, altitude, wind, slope, etc.

Thus, the correct answer is D.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (1)

Choose the correct options from the following:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (2)

Choose the correct options from the following:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (3)

Choose the correct options from the following:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (4)

Choose the correct options from the following:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (5)

Choose the correct options from the following:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv), (d)-(iii)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (6)

Choose the correct options from the following:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (7)

Choose the correct options from the following:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Universal Geography is the work of Elisee Recule published in the year 1894

La reform Sociale is the work by Le play published in the year 1864

Du serment decisoir is the work by Paul de Rousiers published in the year 1878

Histoire de France is the work of Edmond demolins published in the year 1879

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which city of India is called as "Electronic city of India"?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which city of India is called as "Electronic city of India"?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which city of India is called as "Electronic city of India"?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which city of India is called as "Electronic city of India"?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which city of India is called as "Electronic city of India"?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which city of India is called as "Electronic city of India"?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which city of India is called as "Electronic city of India"?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Banglore the capital of Tamil Nadu, is known as Electronic city of India. It is also known as IT hub or Silicon Valley of India because of the IT industries present there.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which type of sensors used the man-made source of energy for data collection?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which type of sensors used the man-made source of energy for data collection?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Return bram vidicon", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which type of sensors used the man-made source of energy for data collection?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Electro-optical scanner", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which type of sensors used the man-made source of energy for data collection?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Radar", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which type of sensors used the man-made source of energy for data collection?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Electro-optical radiometer", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which type of sensors used the man-made source of energy for data collection?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which type of sensors used the man-made source of energy for data collection?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


There are two types of sensors in remote sensing:

1) Passive remote sensing (Sensor):

  • It depends on a natural source to provide energy for data collection. Sun is the most commonly used source of energy for passive remote sensing.
  • However, passive remote sensing can be done in absence of the Sun. In this case, the target material itself is the source of energy, and the sensor records primarily emitted radiation.
  • Examples: Return bram vidicon, Electro-optical scanner, and Electro-optical radiometer use light as the primary source.

2) Active remote sensing (Sensor):

  • It uses aman-made source of energy. In this case, humans can manipulate the nature of source energy (wavelength, power, duration).
  • Examples: Radar

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements about the Indian desert:

1.The northern part of the Indian desert is sloping towards Sindh and the Southern towards the Rann of Kachchh.

2.Most of the rivers in this region are ephemeral.

3. It is a westward extension of the peninsular plateau.

How many of the above statements are correct?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Consider the following statements about the Indian desert:

1.The northern part of the Indian desert is sloping towards Sindh and the Southern towards the Rann of Kachchh.

2.Most of the rivers in this region are ephemeral.

3. It is a westward extension of the peninsular plateau.

How many of the above statements are correct?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only one", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements about the Indian desert:

1.The northern part of the Indian desert is sloping towards Sindh and the Southern towards the Rann of Kachchh.

2.Most of the rivers in this region are ephemeral.

3. It is a westward extension of the peninsular plateau.

How many of the above statements are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only two", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements about the Indian desert:

1.The northern part of the Indian desert is sloping towards Sindh and the Southern towards the Rann of Kachchh.

2.Most of the rivers in this region are ephemeral.

3. It is a westward extension of the peninsular plateau.

How many of the above statements are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All three", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements about the Indian desert:

1.The northern part of the Indian desert is sloping towards Sindh and the Southern towards the Rann of Kachchh.

2.Most of the rivers in this region are ephemeral.

3. It is a westward extension of the peninsular plateau.

How many of the above statements are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "None", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements about the Indian desert:

1.The northern part of the Indian desert is sloping towards Sindh and the Southern towards the Rann of Kachchh.

2.Most of the rivers in this region are ephemeral.

3. It is a westward extension of the peninsular plateau.

How many of the above statements are correct?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements about the Indian desert:

1.The northern part of the Indian desert is sloping towards Sindh and the Southern towards the Rann of Kachchh.

2.Most of the rivers in this region are ephemeral.

3. It is a westward extension of the peninsular plateau.

How many of the above statements are correct?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer isAll three.

Key PointsIndian Desert:

  • To the Northwest of the Aravali hills lies the Great Indian desert. It is a land of undulating topography dotted with longitudinal dunes and barchans.
  • This region receives low Rainfall below 150 mm per year; hence, it has an arid climate with low vegetation cover. It is because of these characteristic features that this is also known as Marusthali.
  • On the basis of orientation,the Desert can be divided into two parts: the Northern Part is sloping towards Sindh and the Southern towards the Rann of Kachchh. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
  • Most of therivers in this region are Ephemeral. TheLuni riverflowing in the southern part of the desert is of some significance.Hence, statement 2is correct.
  • Low precipitation and high evaporation make it a water deficit region. There are some streams which disappear after flowing for some distance and present a typical case of inland drainage by joining a lake.
  • Though the underlying rock structure of the desert is an extension of the Peninsular plateau, yet, due to extremely arid conditions, its surface features have been carved by physical weathering and wind actions.Hence, statement 3 is correct.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (8)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2020 India is at which place ?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2020 India is at which place ?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "3rd", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2020 India is at which place ?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "5th", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2020 India is at which place ?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "10th", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2020 India is at which place ?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "15th", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2020 India is at which place ?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2020 India is at which place ?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

According to the Global Climate Risk Index of 2020, published by German Watch, a think tank on North-South equity and preservation of livelihoods, India is the 5th most vulnerable country to climate change impacts. India’s increasing vulnerability is due to severe rainfall, heavy flooding and landslide.

Thus, the Correct answer is B.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The theory that states “pieces of the Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion driven by movement in the mantle” is called" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "The theory that states “pieces of the Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion driven by movement in the mantle” is called","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "the theory of continental drift", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The theory that states “pieces of the Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion driven by movement in the mantle” is called" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "the theory of Pangaea", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The theory that states “pieces of the Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion driven by movement in the mantle” is called" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "the theory of plate tectonics", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The theory that states “pieces of the Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion driven by movement in the mantle” is called" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "the theory of plate boundaries", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The theory that states “pieces of the Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion driven by movement in the mantle” is called" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The theory that states “pieces of the Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion driven by movement in the mantle” is called" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is ​the theory of plate tectonics.

Key Points

  • The theory that states 'pieces of the Earth's crust are in constant, slow motion driven by movement in the mantle' is called Plate Tectonics.
  • Plate tectonics is a scientific theory that explains the movement of the Earth's lithospheric plates, which make up the Earth's outer shell.
  • These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them and are driven by the convective currents in the mantle.
  • This theory helps explain the formation of continents, ocean basins, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the interactions of tectonic plate boundaries.

Additional Information

  • The theory of plate tectonics is a comprehensive scientific theory that explains the movement of the Earth's lithospheric plates, which make up the Earth's outer shell.
  • The theory is composed of several key ideas:
  • Lithospheric Plates: The Earth's rigid outer layer, known as the lithosphere, is divided into several large and small plates that 'float' on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them.
  • Plate Boundaries: The edges of these plates are the most dynamic regions on Earth. There are three primary types of plate boundaries:
    • Divergent Boundaries: At divergent boundaries, plates move away from each other. This can lead to the formation of new oceanic crust through seafloor spreading and the creation of rift valleys on continents.
    • Convergent Boundaries: At convergent boundaries, plates move toward each other. When two plates collide, it can result in subduction, where one plate is forced beneath the other, leading to the formation of deep ocean trenches, volcanic arcs, and mountain ranges.
    • Transform Boundaries: At transform boundaries, plates slide past each other horizontally. The friction and pressure along these boundaries can lead to earthquakes.
  • Seafloor Spreading: Harry Hess and Robert Dietz's work in the mid-20th century contributed to the understanding of seafloor spreading. This process occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed as magma rises and solidifies.
  • Plate Interactions: The interactions of these plates result in various geological features, including the formation of mountain ranges, volcanic activity, earthquakes, and the distribution of continents and oceans.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the wind direction in a cyclone in southern hemisphere ?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

What is the wind direction in a cyclone in southern hemisphere ?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the wind direction in a cyclone in southern hemisphere ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the wind direction in a cyclone in southern hemisphere ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the wind direction in a cyclone in southern hemisphere ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the wind direction in a cyclone in southern hemisphere ?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the wind direction in a cyclone in southern hemisphere ?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Correct Answer is clockwise

Key Points

  • Cyclones are rapid inward air circulation around a low-pressure area. The air circulates in an anticlockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern hemisphere.
  • The word Cyclone is derived from the Greek word Cyclos meaning the coils of a snake. It was coined by Henry Paddington because the tropical storms in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea appear like coiled serpents of the sea.
  • Cyclones are usually accompanied by violent storms and bad weather.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (9)

Additional Information

  • Cyclones
    • better known as depressions and are confined to temperate latitude.​
    • depressions vary from 150 to 2000 miles.
    • the wind blows inward into the low pressure in the center.
    • circulates in the anticlockwise direction in the northern hemisphere.
    • circulates in a clockwise direction in the southern hemisphere.
    • precipitation resulting in cyclonic air is due to the convergence of warm tropical air and cold polar air
  • There are 4 types of cyclones and they are:
    • Tropical cyclone.
    • Polar cyclone.
    • Mesocyclone.
    • Extratropical cyclone.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is/are the need(s) of successful spatial analysis?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following is/are the need(s) of successful spatial analysis?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Appropriate software ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is/are the need(s) of successful spatial analysis?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Appropriate hardware ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is/are the need(s) of successful spatial analysis?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Competent user", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is/are the need(s) of successful spatial analysis?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All options are correct ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is/are the need(s) of successful spatial analysis?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is/are the need(s) of successful spatial analysis?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is option 4.


Spatial data:

Spatial data is any kind of data that refers to a certain geographical region or place, either directly or indirectly. Spatial data, also known as geospatial data or geographic information, can quantitatively represent a physical item in a geographic coordinate system.

The spatial analysis consists of five key stages:

  • understanding your goal,
  • preparing data,
  • choosing suitable tools and techniques,
  • performing the research, and
  • estimating results.

Successful spatial analysis needs Appropriate software, Appropriate hardware and a Competent user.

Hence the correct answer is All options are correct.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements are true?

(a) The western coast of Mahrashtra is the region most prone to cyclonic storms.

(b) The river Chambal in the North Indian plain is susceptible to frequent flooding.

(c) The north-eastern states lie in the earthquake prone region.

(d) The eastern coast of India has most vulnerability to cyclones.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following statements are true?

(a) The western coast of Mahrashtra is the region most prone to cyclonic storms.

(b) The river Chambal in the North Indian plain is susceptible to frequent flooding.

(c) The north-eastern states lie in the earthquake prone region.

(d) The eastern coast of India has most vulnerability to cyclones.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only (a) true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements are true?

(a) The western coast of Mahrashtra is the region most prone to cyclonic storms.

(b) The river Chambal in the North Indian plain is susceptible to frequent flooding.

(c) The north-eastern states lie in the earthquake prone region.

(d) The eastern coast of India has most vulnerability to cyclones.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(b) and (c) are true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements are true?

(a) The western coast of Mahrashtra is the region most prone to cyclonic storms.

(b) The river Chambal in the North Indian plain is susceptible to frequent flooding.

(c) The north-eastern states lie in the earthquake prone region.

(d) The eastern coast of India has most vulnerability to cyclones.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(b), (c) and (d) are true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements are true?

(a) The western coast of Mahrashtra is the region most prone to cyclonic storms.

(b) The river Chambal in the North Indian plain is susceptible to frequent flooding.

(c) The north-eastern states lie in the earthquake prone region.

(d) The eastern coast of India has most vulnerability to cyclones.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(c) and (d) are true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements are true?

(a) The western coast of Mahrashtra is the region most prone to cyclonic storms.

(b) The river Chambal in the North Indian plain is susceptible to frequent flooding.

(c) The north-eastern states lie in the earthquake prone region.

(d) The eastern coast of India has most vulnerability to cyclones.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements are true?

(a) The western coast of Mahrashtra is the region most prone to cyclonic storms.

(b) The river Chambal in the North Indian plain is susceptible to frequent flooding.

(c) The north-eastern states lie in the earthquake prone region.

(d) The eastern coast of India has most vulnerability to cyclones.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The eastern coast of India has always been prone to cyclonic storms. The major ones include like Fani and Gaja most recently. Western coast of Mahrashtra on the other hand does not have much vulnerability to cyclones. The coastline of Gujarat is more vulnerable to cyclones. The north-eastern states lie in the Arkan Yoma mountain range and has had earthquakes like Tura(8.7-1897) and Cachar(7.5-1869) and more recently, on India-Nepal Border near Sikkim(7.1-2011). The river Chambal in North-Indian plains is not susceptible to floods on a frequent basis.

Thus, the correct answer is D.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (10)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Match List-I with List-II
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (11)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (12)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (13)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (14)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (15)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II
TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (16)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

  • The largest producer of Barley in the country is Rajasthan. It produces nearly 40% of the total production. Tonk, Sawai Madhopur, Bharatpur are major Barley producing region of the Rajasthan.
  • West Bengal is the largest producer of jute. It produces three-fourths of the total jute of the country and has two-third of the total area under jute production.
  • Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of sugar cane In India. It accounts for 36% of the total production and has nearly 43% of the total area in sugar cane production.
  • Andhra Pradesh leads in the production of groundnut. It produces nearly 23%of the total production of India. Chitoor, Kunoor and Anantapur districts are the districts which have groundnut.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the maps below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (17)

Which of the following statements most accurately interprets information shown in the two maps?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Use the maps below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (18)

Which of the following statements most accurately interprets information shown in the two maps?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

High levels of rainfall are generally necessary to support high levels of population.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the maps below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (19)

Which of the following statements most accurately interprets information shown in the two maps?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Regions of the world with the highest levels of precipitation generally have the lowest levels of population density.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the maps below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (20)

Which of the following statements most accurately interprets information shown in the two maps?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Low levels of rainfall generally cannot support high levels of population.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the maps below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (21)

Which of the following statements most accurately interprets information shown in the two maps?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Regions of the world with the lowest levels of precipitation generally have the highest levels of population density.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the maps below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (22)

Which of the following statements most accurately interprets information shown in the two maps?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the maps below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (23)

Which of the following statements most accurately interprets information shown in the two maps?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the effects of physical factors such as climate, topography, and location on population distribution, patterns of work, industry, agriculture, and transportation. Information presented in the two maps shows that population densities of 0-5 persons per square mile are most common in regions that receive 0-2 inches of rainfall annually.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following:

1. Proximity of the jute-producingareas

2. Inexpensive water transport

3. Availability of economical labor

4. Abundant water for processing raw jute

How many of the above are responsible factors for the location of the Jute industry in the Hugli basin?

How many of the statements given above are correct?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Consider the following:

1. Proximity of the jute-producingareas

2. Inexpensive water transport

3. Availability of economical labor

4. Abundant water for processing raw jute

How many of the above are responsible factors for the location of the Jute industry in the Hugli basin?

How many of the statements given above are correct?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only one", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following:

1. Proximity of the jute-producingareas

2. Inexpensive water transport

3. Availability of economical labor

4. Abundant water for processing raw jute

How many of the above are responsible factors for the location of the Jute industry in the Hugli basin?

How many of the statements given above are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only two", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following:

1. Proximity of the jute-producingareas

2. Inexpensive water transport

3. Availability of economical labor

4. Abundant water for processing raw jute

How many of the above are responsible factors for the location of the Jute industry in the Hugli basin?

How many of the statements given above are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only three", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following:

1. Proximity of the jute-producingareas

2. Inexpensive water transport

3. Availability of economical labor

4. Abundant water for processing raw jute

How many of the above are responsible factors for the location of the Jute industry in the Hugli basin?

How many of the statements given above are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All four", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following:

1. Proximity of the jute-producingareas

2. Inexpensive water transport

3. Availability of economical labor

4. Abundant water for processing raw jute

How many of the above are responsible factors for the location of the Jute industry in the Hugli basin?

How many of the statements given above are correct?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following:

1. Proximity of the jute-producingareas

2. Inexpensive water transport

3. Availability of economical labor

4. Abundant water for processing raw jute

How many of the above are responsible factors for the location of the Jute industry in the Hugli basin?

How many of the statements given above are correct?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer isAll fourKey PointsJute industry:

  • India is the largest producer of jute followed by Bangladesh and China.
  • However, in terms of acreage and trade, Bangladesh takes the lead accounting for three-fourths of the global jute exports in comparison to India’s 7%.
  • Major jute-producing states include West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Tripura.
  • It is known as the golden fibre.
  • It is used in making gunny bags, mats, ropes, yarn, carpets and other artefacts.
  • The factors behind the present localization of the jute industry in Eastern India especially West Bengal are:
    • Raw material: West Bengal is the largest producer of jute and most mills are located there;
    • Water supply: High rainfall and the presence of rivers ensure abundant water for processing raw jute;
    • Easy Transportation: The region is well connected by a good network of railways, waterways, and roadways to facilitate the movement of raw materials to the mills.
    • Inexpensive water transport is also provided by the Hugli river;
    • Labour: Availability of economical labour from West Bengal and the adjoining States of Bihar, Orissa, and Uttar Pradesh;
    • Kolkata as a port and large urban centre, provides banking, insurance, and port facilities for the export of jute goods. Hence, statements 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about the Lateritic soils:

1) It is of little use in crop production

2) It is highly retentive of moisture

3) It cover an area of about 2.48 lakh sq. km.

4) It is rich in potash and lime.

Which of the following options are correct?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Consider the following statements about the Lateritic soils:

1) It is of little use in crop production

2) It is highly retentive of moisture

3) It cover an area of about 2.48 lakh sq. km.

4) It is rich in potash and lime.

Which of the following options are correct?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1 and 4", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about the Lateritic soils:

1) It is of little use in crop production

2) It is highly retentive of moisture

3) It cover an area of about 2.48 lakh sq. km.

4) It is rich in potash and lime.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1 and 3", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about the Lateritic soils:

1) It is of little use in crop production

2) It is highly retentive of moisture

3) It cover an area of about 2.48 lakh sq. km.

4) It is rich in potash and lime.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2 and 4", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about the Lateritic soils:

1) It is of little use in crop production

2) It is highly retentive of moisture

3) It cover an area of about 2.48 lakh sq. km.

4) It is rich in potash and lime.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1, 2, and 3", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about the Lateritic soils:

1) It is of little use in crop production

2) It is highly retentive of moisture

3) It cover an area of about 2.48 lakh sq. km.

4) It is rich in potash and lime.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements about the Lateritic soils:

1) It is of little use in crop production

2) It is highly retentive of moisture

3) It cover an area of about 2.48 lakh sq. km.

4) It is rich in potash and lime.

Which of the following options are correct?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Lateritic soils are widely spread over an area of 2.48 lakh sq. km. and is found mainly on the summits of Western Ghats , eastern Ghats, the Rajmahal Hills, Vindhyas, Satpura and Malwa plateau. These soils are of little use in agriculture because of low fertility caused by intensive leaching and lack of lime, silica, potash. But these soils provide materials for building purposes as they are considered as the end product of weathering and are durable.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which ocean is the 'Sunda Trench' located?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "In which ocean is the 'Sunda Trench' located?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Indian Ocean", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which ocean is the 'Sunda Trench' located?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Atlantic Ocean", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which ocean is the 'Sunda Trench' located?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Pacific ocean", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which ocean is the 'Sunda Trench' located?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Arctic Ocean", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which ocean is the 'Sunda Trench' located?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which ocean is the 'Sunda Trench' located?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The'Sunda Trench' is located in the Indian Ocean.

Key Points

  • Oceanic Trenches are theareas which are the deepest parts of the oceans.

  • The trenches are relatively steep sided withnarrow basins.

  • They are some 3-5 km deeper than the surrounding ocean floor.

  • They occur at the bases of continental slopes and along island arcs and are associated with active volcanoes and strong earthquakes.

  • TheSunda Trench, earlier known as and sometimes still indicated as theJava Trench, is anoceanic trenchlocated in theIndian OceannearSumatra.

  • It is formed where theAustralian-Capricornplates subduct under a part of the Eurasian Plate.

  • It is 3,200 kilometres long with a maximum depth of 7,290 metres (23,920 feet).

  • Its maximum depth is the deepest point in theIndian Ocean.

Therefore, we can conclude that the'Sunda Trench' is located in theIndian Ocean.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

During the cold weather season, in the northern plains, there will be an inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the ______ directions.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

During the cold weather season, in the northern plains, there will be an inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the ______ directions.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

East and Northwest

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

During the cold weather season, in the northern plains, there will be an inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the ______ directions.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

East and Northeast

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

During the cold weather season, in the northern plains, there will be an inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the ______ directions.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

West and East

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

During the cold weather season, in the northern plains, there will be an inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the ______ directions.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

West and Northwest

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

During the cold weather season, in the northern plains, there will be an inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the ______ directions.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

During the cold weather season, in the northern plains, there will be an inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the ______ directions.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Correct Answer is West and Northwest.

Key Points

  • Western Disturbances
    • Western Disturbances begin is a low-pressure system that originates in the Mid-latitude region near the Atlantic Ocean and Europe.
  • Western Disturbances develop in the mid-latitude region (north of the Tropic of Cancer), not in the tropical region, therefore they are called mid-latitude storms or extra-tropical storms
  • A characteristic feature of the cold weather season over the northern plains is the inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the west and the northwest.
  • These low-pressure systems, originate over the Mediterranean Sea and western Asia and move into India, along with the westerly flow.
  • They cause much-needed winter rains over the plains and snowfall in the mountains.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (24)

Additional Information

  • The low pressure typically forms over the Mediterranean Sea and travels over Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan before entering India loaded with moisture.
  • This disturbance is usually associated with a cloudy sky, higher night temperatures, and unusual rain.
  • These moisture-laden western disturbances eventually come up against the Himalayas and get blocked, as a consequence, the moisture gets trapped and precipitation is shared in the form of snow and rain over Northwest India and sometimes, other parts of North India.
  • The rainfall during the winter season helps agriculture, particularly for rabi crops including wheat, which is one of the most important Indian crops.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are example(s) of the assertion that cultural differences existing in the world is the outcome of human interaction with the environment?

(A) People of Amazon basin live in houses with a steeply slanting roof.

(B) People of Amazon practice 'slash and burn agriculture'.

(C) People in Bihar and Assam make handicrafts from silk.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following is/are example(s) of the assertion that cultural differences existing in the world is the outcome of human interaction with the environment?

(A) People of Amazon basin live in houses with a steeply slanting roof.

(B) People of Amazon practice 'slash and burn agriculture'.

(C) People in Bihar and Assam make handicrafts from silk.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only (A) and (B)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are example(s) of the assertion that cultural differences existing in the world is the outcome of human interaction with the environment?

(A) People of Amazon basin live in houses with a steeply slanting roof.

(B) People of Amazon practice 'slash and burn agriculture'.

(C) People in Bihar and Assam make handicrafts from silk.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only (B) and (C)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are example(s) of the assertion that cultural differences existing in the world is the outcome of human interaction with the environment?

(A) People of Amazon basin live in houses with a steeply slanting roof.

(B) People of Amazon practice 'slash and burn agriculture'.

(C) People in Bihar and Assam make handicrafts from silk.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only (A) and (C)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are example(s) of the assertion that cultural differences existing in the world is the outcome of human interaction with the environment?

(A) People of Amazon basin live in houses with a steeply slanting roof.

(B) People of Amazon practice 'slash and burn agriculture'.

(C) People in Bihar and Assam make handicrafts from silk.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All (A), (B) and (C)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are example(s) of the assertion that cultural differences existing in the world is the outcome of human interaction with the environment?

(A) People of Amazon basin live in houses with a steeply slanting roof.

(B) People of Amazon practice 'slash and burn agriculture'.

(C) People in Bihar and Assam make handicrafts from silk.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are example(s) of the assertion that cultural differences existing in the world is the outcome of human interaction with the environment?

(A) People of Amazon basin live in houses with a steeply slanting roof.

(B) People of Amazon practice 'slash and burn agriculture'.

(C) People in Bihar and Assam make handicrafts from silk.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is: All (A), (B), and (C)
Important Points

All of the given examples demonstrate how cultural differences can be attributed to human interaction with the environment:

(A) People of the Amazon basin live in houses with a steeply slanting roof.

  • This architectural style is influenced by the heavy rainfall in the region.
  • The steeply slanting roofs help to quickly shed water and prevent it from accumulating on the roof.

(B) People of the Amazon practice 'slash and burn agriculture'.

  • This farming method involves cutting down and burning vegetation to clear land for cultivation.
  • It is adapted to the environment of the Amazon rainforest, where the soil is nutrient-poor.
  • The ashes from the burning provide temporary fertility for crops.

(C) People in Bihar and Assam make handicrafts from silk.

  • The availability of silk-producing insects such as silkworms in these regions has led to the development of silk-based handicrafts.
  • The local environment provides the necessary resources for silk production and encourages the development of related cultural practices.

Therefore, all of the given examples illustrate how cultural differences are influenced by human interactions with the environment.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following industries is NOT a significant contributor to the economy of Bihar?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following industries is NOT a significant contributor to the economy of Bihar?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Agriculture", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following industries is NOT a significant contributor to the economy of Bihar?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Food Processing", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following industries is NOT a significant contributor to the economy of Bihar?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Automobile Manufacturing", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following industries is NOT a significant contributor to the economy of Bihar?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Textile Industry", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following industries is NOT a significant contributor to the economy of Bihar?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following industries is NOT a significant contributor to the economy of Bihar?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Automobile Manufacturing

Key Points

  • Bihar, an eastern state of India, has a diverse economy with several key industries. Agriculture is a major sector, with a significant portion of the population engaged in farming. The state is a major producer of crops like rice, wheat, and maize.
  • The food processing industry is another major contributor, closely linked with agriculture. It involves the processing of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, and grains, adding value to agricultural produce and creating employment opportunities.
  • The textile industry, particularly silk and cotton, is also significant in Bihar. The state is known for its Bhagalpuri silk, and the textile industry provides employment to a large number of people and contributes to the state's exports.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Political Geography started to grow on different scales. Which were they?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Political Geography started to grow on different scales. Which were they?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Teaching and research", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Political Geography started to grow on different scales. Which were they?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "International and global perspectives", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Political Geography started to grow on different scales. Which were they?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "National and urban", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Political Geography started to grow on different scales. Which were they?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All of the above", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Political Geography started to grow on different scales. Which were they?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Political Geography started to grow on different scales. Which were they?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Though political Geography was slowly gaining it's prominence, it could not overcome its uncoordinated nature and hence the lack of coherence increased. To correct this situation, the general reaction was to order political geography information in three separate scales: for teaching and research, international or global, national and urban.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements about Indian Geography is not correct?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following statements about Indian Geography is not correct?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D N. Wadia has contributed in the field of geology of India.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements about Indian Geography is not correct?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "R.P. Mishra has contributed in the field of regional planning and development in India.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements about Indian Geography is not correct?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "S.P. Chatterjee has contributed in the field of regional geography of India", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements about Indian Geography is not correct?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "OHK Spate has contributed in the field of population geography in India.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements about Indian Geography is not correct?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following statements about Indian Geography is not correct?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

OHK Spate was a British Geographer who has contributed in the regional geography of India. He is best known for his book titled “India and Pakistan: A General and Regional Geography” published in 1954.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In manufacturing industries of India, a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ____?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

In manufacturing industries of India, a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ____?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Rs. 5 Lakh

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In manufacturing industries of India, a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ____?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Rs. 15 Lakh

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In manufacturing industries of India, a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ____?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Rs. 30 Lakh

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In manufacturing industries of India, a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ____?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Rs. 25 Lakh", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In manufacturing industries of India, a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ____?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In manufacturing industries of India, a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed ____?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In manufacturing industries of India, a micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 25 Lakh.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which statement(s) is/are true?


a. It is complex and time consuming to transform a vector file to a raster photograph.

b. We can easily convert a raster image into a vector image.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which statement(s) is/are true?


a. It is complex and time consuming to transform a vector file to a raster photograph.

b. We can easily convert a raster image into a vector image.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Statement a is true but b is false", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which statement(s) is/are true?


a. It is complex and time consuming to transform a vector file to a raster photograph.

b. We can easily convert a raster image into a vector image.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both statements a and b are true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which statement(s) is/are true?


a. It is complex and time consuming to transform a vector file to a raster photograph.

b. We can easily convert a raster image into a vector image.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Statement b is true but a is false", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which statement(s) is/are true?


a. It is complex and time consuming to transform a vector file to a raster photograph.

b. We can easily convert a raster image into a vector image.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both statements a and b are false", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which statement(s) is/are true?


a. It is complex and time consuming to transform a vector file to a raster photograph.

b. We can easily convert a raster image into a vector image.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which statement(s) is/are true?


a. It is complex and time consuming to transform a vector file to a raster photograph.

b. We can easily convert a raster image into a vector image.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


GISdata format:

  • GIS data formats can be categorized into two, spatial and attribute data formats.
  • Spatial data is a geographical representation of features.
  • In other words, spatial data is what we actually see in the form of maps (containing real-world features) on a computer screen.
  • Spatial data can further be divided into two types- vector and raster data.
  • Raster data format in GIS is compatible with satellite images.

Raster data format:

  • Raster data is made up of pixels.
  • It is an array of grid cells with columns and rows.
  • Each and every geographical feature is represented only through pixels in raster data.
  • There is nothing like a point, line, or polygon.Easy and efficient overlaying process.
  • Raster data format is compatible with remotely sensed imagery.
  • If it is a point, in raster data it will be a single pixel, a line will be represented as a linear arrangement of pixels and an area or polygon will be represented by contiguous neighboring pixels with similar values.
  • In raster data, one pixel contains only one value (unlike vector data where a point, a line, or a polygon may have a number of values or attributes) that’s why only one geographical feature can be represented by a single set of pixels or grid cells.
  • Hence a number of raster layers are required if multiple features are to be considered (For example- land use, soil type, forest density, topography, etc.).

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (25)

Vector data format:

  • Vector data tend to be more compact in the data structure, so file sizes are typically much smaller than their raster counterparts.
  • Although the ability of modern computers has minimized the importance of maintaining small file sizes, vector data often require a fraction of the computer storage space compared to raster data.
  • Vector data models tend to be better representations of reality due to the accuracy and precision of points, lines, and polygons over the regularly spaced grid cells of the raster model.
  • This results in vector data tending to be more aesthetically pleasing than raster data.
  • Vector data also provides an increased ability to alter the scale of observation and is more appropriate for resource variation analysis.
  • Each coordinate pair associated with a point, line, and polygon represents an infinitesimally exact location (albeit limited by the number of significant digits and/or data acquisition methodologies).
  • The final advantage of vector data is that topology is inherent in the vector model.
  • This topological information results in simplified spatial analysis (e.g., error detection, network analysis, proximity analysis, and spatial transformation) when using a vector model.

Additional Information

  • There are two primary disadvantagesto the vector data model.
  • First, the data structure tends to be much more complicated than the simple raster data model.
  • As the location of each vertex must be stored explicitly in the model, there are no shortcuts for storing data like there are for raster models (e.g., the run-length and quad-tree encoding methodologies).
  • Second, the implementation of spatial analysis can also be relatively complicated due to minor differences in accuracy and precision between the input datasets.
  • Similarly, the algorithms for manipulating and analyzing vector data are complex and can lead to intensive processing requirements, mainly when dealing with large datasets.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant has been developed with Russian Collaboration?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant has been developed with Russian Collaboration?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Vizag Steel Plant", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant has been developed with Russian Collaboration?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Rourkela Steel Plant", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant has been developed with Russian Collaboration?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Bhilai Steel Plant", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant has been developed with Russian Collaboration?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Durgapur Steel Plant", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant has been developed with Russian Collaboration?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following Iron and Steel Plant has been developed with Russian Collaboration?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Hindustan Steel Ltd (HSL) Bhilaiis located in the Durg district of Chhattisgarh and was built with the Russian collaboration.

  • Bhilai’s steel plant is India’s largest producer of rails and wide steel plates.
  • More than 50 years after the plant was built, the warmth for Russia and Russians is still in the air.
  • Theproduction capacity was fixed at 10 lakh tons, which was increased later on.
  • It started production in 1959. Now the production capacity has been raised from 10 lakh tons to more than 50 lakh tons.

Additional Information

Bhilai steel plant has the following geographical advantages:

  • Rich iron ore is available from Dalli-Rajhara mines about 80 km away.
  • Coal is obtained from Korba and Kargali fields in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Limestone from Nandini mines about 25 km away.
  • Manganese is obtained from Bhandara (Maharashtra) and Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh) mines.
  • Dolomite comes from Bilaspur.
  • Bhilai is well-connected by rail and road network.
  • Port facilities are offered by the Vishakhapatnam seaport.
  • Bhilai’s rail and structural mill are one of the most modern and the largest in the world. Recently, it has also started making plates for the ship-building industry.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "One of the purposes of this sampling technique is to ensure that all sections of the population are adequately represented. Identify the Sampling technique:-" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "One of the purposes of this sampling technique is to ensure that all sections of the population are adequately represented. Identify the Sampling technique:-","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Systematic Sampling", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "One of the purposes of this sampling technique is to ensure that all sections of the population are adequately represented. Identify the Sampling technique:-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Stratified Sampling", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "One of the purposes of this sampling technique is to ensure that all sections of the population are adequately represented. Identify the Sampling technique:-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Simple random sampling", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "One of the purposes of this sampling technique is to ensure that all sections of the population are adequately represented. Identify the Sampling technique:-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Multi-Stage Sampling", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "One of the purposes of this sampling technique is to ensure that all sections of the population are adequately represented. Identify the Sampling technique:-" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "One of the purposes of this sampling technique is to ensure that all sections of the population are adequately represented. Identify the Sampling technique:-" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Stratified Sampling is the only technique where all the sections of the population or sub-population are hom*ogenously and adequately represented. Stratified sampling is generally used when the population is heterogenous but can be subdivided into strata within each of which the heterogeneity is not so prominent. If a proper stratification can be made such that the strata differ from one another as much as possible, but there is much hom*ogeneity within each of them , then stratified sample will yield better results. Here the sub-sample sizes are made proportional to the sub population sizes.

Thus, the Correct answer is B.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Pairs of world species and their habitats are presented. Tell the wrong pair" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Pairs of world species and their habitats are presented. Tell the wrong pair","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Pygmy - Congo Basin", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Pairs of world species and their habitats are presented. Tell the wrong pair" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Baddu - Saudi Arab", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Pairs of world species and their habitats are presented. Tell the wrong pair" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Sakai - Siberia", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Pairs of world species and their habitats are presented. Tell the wrong pair" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Eskimo - Tundra region of North America.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Pairs of world species and their habitats are presented. Tell the wrong pair" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Pairs of world species and their habitats are presented. Tell the wrong pair" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Correct Answer is Sakai - Siberia

Key Points

  • Pygmy - Congo Basin
    • The African Pygmies (or Congo Pygmies, variously also Central African foragers, 'African rainforest hunter-gatherers' (RHG) or 'Forest People of Central Africa') are a group of ethnicities native to Central Africa, mostly the Congo Basin style traditionally subsisting on a forager and hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
  • Badu-Saudi Arab.
    • With General, the Bedouin were no longer seen as an archaic race towering over a linear hierarchy of Arab races, but as stylea foreign race style whose presence in Palestine represented a sad chapter of racial assimilation in the unfolding history of conquests.
  • Eskimo
    • Eskimo is an exonym used to refer to two closely related Indigenous peoples: the Inuit and the Yupik of eastern Siberia and Alaska.
    • A related third group, the Aleut, which inhabit the Aleutian Islands, are generally excluded from the definition of Eskimo.

Additional Information

The Major Divisions of the Human Race

  • Most anthropologists recognize 3 or 4 basic races of man in existence today
    • The ethnographic division into races from Meyers Konversationslexikon of 1885-90 is listed: Caucasian races (Aryans, Hamites, Semites) Mongolian races (northern Mongolian, Chinese and Indo-Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Tibetan, Malayan, Polynesian, Maori, Micronesian, Eskimo, American Indian),
    • Negroid races (African, Hottentots, Melanesians/Papua,
    • “Negrito”, Australian Aborigine, Dravidians, Sinhalese).

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Two highly influencial books published by which two geographers during the 1960s underlined the importance of theoretical models and quantification in geography." },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Two highly influencial books published by which two geographers during the 1960s underlined the importance of theoretical models and quantification in geography.","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Gregory and Chorley", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Two highly influencial books published by which two geographers during the 1960s underlined the importance of theoretical models and quantification in geography." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Ackerman and Haggett", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Two highly influencial books published by which two geographers during the 1960s underlined the importance of theoretical models and quantification in geography." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Harvey and Gregory", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Two highly influencial books published by which two geographers during the 1960s underlined the importance of theoretical models and quantification in geography." }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Chorley and Haggett", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Two highly influencial books published by which two geographers during the 1960s underlined the importance of theoretical models and quantification in geography." }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Two highly influencial books published by which two geographers during the 1960s underlined the importance of theoretical models and quantification in geography." }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Chorley and Haggett.

Key Points

  • In the 1950s and 1960s, a revolutionary change described as the 'quantitative revolution' occurred in the discipline of geography.
  • Harvey’s Explanation in Geography (1969) provided a more inclusive channel for the methods and philosophy of new geography.
  • Chorley's book Models in Geography.
  • Explanation in Geography and Models in Geography Two highly influential books published by Chorley and Haggett during the 1960s underlined the importance of theoretical models and quantification in geography.
  • Theoretical geography got its philosophical base in Bunge’s monograph published in 1962, which identified geometry as the mathematics of space and hence made spatial science the language of new geography.
  • It was I. Burton who published a research paper, ‘The Quantitative Revolution and Theoretical Geography’ in 1963.

Important Points

  • P. Haggett: a British geographer known for urban geography.
  • R. Chorley: an English geographer known for quantitative methods in geography.
  • Ackerman was an American geographer.
    • ​He was famous for the Population-Resource Region theory.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The empirical relationship among the three measures of central tendencies is" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "The empirical relationship among the three measures of central tendencies is","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2 Median = Mode + Mean", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The empirical relationship among the three measures of central tendencies is" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "3 Median = Mode + 2 Mean", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The empirical relationship among the three measures of central tendencies is" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Median = Mode + Mean", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The empirical relationship among the three measures of central tendencies is" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Median = 2 Mode + 3 Mean", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The empirical relationship among the three measures of central tendencies is" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The empirical relationship among the three measures of central tendencies is" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


The relationship between mean, median and mode is called empirical relationship. It is defines as :

Mean - Mode = 3(Mean - Median)


Mean - Mode = 3(Mean - Median)

⇒ Mean - Mode = 3 Mean - 3 Median

⇒ 3 Median - Mode = 3 Mean - Mean

⇒ 3 Median = 2 Mean + Mode

∴ 3 Median = Mode + 2 Mean

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who provided a framework for analyzing the geography of political concepts?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Who provided a framework for analyzing the geography of political concepts?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Hartshorne", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who provided a framework for analyzing the geography of political concepts?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Col Friedman", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who provided a framework for analyzing the geography of political concepts?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D. Whittlesey", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who provided a framework for analyzing the geography of political concepts?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "None of the above", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who provided a framework for analyzing the geography of political concepts?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who provided a framework for analyzing the geography of political concepts?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Richard Hartshorne, an American Geographer who specialized in economic and political geography, attempted to provide a new framework for analyzing the geography of political areas and the modern state in the 1950s as the sub discipline was becoming narrowly systematic. Hartshorne had a lot of contributions to this field such as 'Political Geography in the Modern World', 'The Politico-Geographic Pattern of the World'.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to census 2011, What is the sex ratio of Haryana? per thousand of males" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "According to census 2011, What is the sex ratio of Haryana? per thousand of males","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "859", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to census 2011, What is the sex ratio of Haryana? per thousand of males" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "860", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to census 2011, What is the sex ratio of Haryana? per thousand of males" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "861", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to census 2011, What is the sex ratio of Haryana? per thousand of males" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "879", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to census 2011, What is the sex ratio of Haryana? per thousand of males" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to census 2011, What is the sex ratio of Haryana? per thousand of males" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The structure of population in terms of density, age, sex, literacy and occupational structure is an important part of federalism. The sex ratio in different pats and different cultural groups varies from each other. According to census 2011, the sex ratio of Haryana is 879 females per 1000 males.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Tumkur, where Geological Survey of India has found indications of Gold Reserves, is located in which among the following states?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Tumkur, where Geological Survey of India has found indications of Gold Reserves, is located in which among the following states?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Andhra Pradesh

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Tumkur, where Geological Survey of India has found indications of Gold Reserves, is located in which among the following states?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Tumkur, where Geological Survey of India has found indications of Gold Reserves, is located in which among the following states?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Tamil nadu

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Tumkur, where Geological Survey of India has found indications of Gold Reserves, is located in which among the following states?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Tumkur, where Geological Survey of India has found indications of Gold Reserves, is located in which among the following states?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Tumkur, where Geological Survey of India has found indications of Gold Reserves, is located in which among the following states?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Tumkur (officially renamed as Tumakuru) is one of the industrial cities located in the state of Karnataka, also known as Shaikshanika Nagari (city of education) and Kalpatharu Nadu (land of coconut trees). Since 28 August 2010, Tumkur has been accorded the status of a City Corporation. It is situated at a distance of 70 km (43 mi) northwest of Bangalore, along National Highway NH-4 and NH-206. It is the headquarters of the Tumkur district.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is not a component of human-made environment?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following is not a component of human-made environment?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Settlement", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is not a component of human-made environment?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Land", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is not a component of human-made environment?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Agriculture", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is not a component of human-made environment?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Transport", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is not a component of human-made environment?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following is not a component of human-made environment?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The environment is the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live. Environment is our basic life support system. It provides the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and the land where we live.

  • It is a combination of natural and human-made phenomena. While the natural environment refers to both biotic and abiotic conditions existing on the earth.
  • Land, water, air, plants and animals comprise the natural environment.
  • The term built environment, or built world, refers to the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings to parks.
  • It has been defined as 'the human-made space in which people live, work, and recreate on a day-to-day basis.' Settlement, agriculture, and transport are human-made environments but the land is not.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (26)

Hence, it is clear that land is not a component of a human-made environment.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following philosophy is also called hypothetic deductive explanation:-" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following philosophy is also called hypothetic deductive explanation:-","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Possibilism", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following philosophy is also called hypothetic deductive explanation:-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Positivism", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following philosophy is also called hypothetic deductive explanation:-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Behaviouralism", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following philosophy is also called hypothetic deductive explanation:-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Structuralism", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following philosophy is also called hypothetic deductive explanation:-" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following philosophy is also called hypothetic deductive explanation:-" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Positivism is a philosophical viewpoint that limits knowledge to the facts that can be observed to the relationships between these facts. Positivism is also called empiricism. This philosophy proclaims the unity of science, which is value free ideally, neutral, impartial and objective. Positivism is called hypothetic-deductive explanation because it’s a kind of controlled speculation.

Thus, the Correct answer is B.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "What is the emigration of a significant proportion of a country’s highly-skilled, highly educated professional population to other countries offering better economic and social opportunities called?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "What is the emigration of a significant proportion of a country’s highly-skilled, highly educated professional population to other countries offering better economic and social opportunities called?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Carrying capacity", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "What is the emigration of a significant proportion of a country’s highly-skilled, highly educated professional population to other countries offering better economic and social opportunities called?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Brain drain", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "What is the emigration of a significant proportion of a country’s highly-skilled, highly educated professional population to other countries offering better economic and social opportunities called?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Demographic transition", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "What is the emigration of a significant proportion of a country’s highly-skilled, highly educated professional population to other countries offering better economic and social opportunities called?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Closed population", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "What is the emigration of a significant proportion of a country’s highly-skilled, highly educated professional population to other countries offering better economic and social opportunities called?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "What is the emigration of a significant proportion of a country’s highly-skilled, highly educated professional population to other countries offering better economic and social opportunities called?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

​The correct answer isBrain drain.

Key Points

  • Brain drain is the emigration of a significant proportion of a country’s highly-skilled, highly educated professional population to other countries offering better economic and social opportunities.
  • Itis defined as the migration of health personnel in search of a better standard of living and quality of life, higher salaries, access to advanced technology and more stable political conditions in different places worldwide.

Additional Information

  • The demographic transition theory is a generalized description of the changing pattern of mortality, fertility, and growth rates as societies move from one demographic regime to another.
    • The demographic transition shows shifts in the demographics of a population during economic and social development.
  • The term closed population refers to a population with no migratory flow in or out so that changes in the population occur through births and deaths only.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Ghost towns are:" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Ghost towns are:","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Flourished towns", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Ghost towns are:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Deserted towns", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Ghost towns are:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Developed towns", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Ghost towns are:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Towns affected by natural calamities", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Ghost towns are:" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Ghost towns are:" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Deserted towns.
Important Points

Ghost towns:

  • Ghost towns are towns or settlements that were once inhabited but have since been abandoned or deserted.
  • They are usually associated with a decline in economic activity or a change in the local environment that made it difficult or impossible for people to continue living there.
  • Ghost towns can be found all over the world, and they can be the result of various factors such as changes in industry, natural disasters, wars, or simply the passage of time. Some ghost towns may have once flourished and been bustling centers of activity, but they have since been deserted and left to decay.
  • While natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes can contribute to the abandonment of a town, they are not the defining characteristic of a ghost town. Rather, it is the fact that the town has been deserted or left to decay that makes it a ghost town.
  • In summary, ghost towns are deserted towns or settlements that were once inhabited but have since been abandoned or left to decay, usually as a result of changes in the local environment or economic activity.

Additional Information

  • Bodie was a mining town that was established in 1859 during the California Gold Rush. At its peak, Bodie had a population of around 10,000 people and was a bustling center of activity, with numerous saloons, hotels, and stores.
  • However, by the early 20th century, the mines in Bodie had been depleted, and the town began to decline. By the 1940s, the town was virtually abandoned, and today it is preserved as a state historic park.
  • Visitors to Bodie can see many of the town's original buildings and artifacts, which have been preserved in a state of 'arrested decay.'
  • The town's streets are lined with abandoned buildings, including a church, a schoolhouse, and numerous homes and businesses. Visitors can take guided tours of the town and learn about the lives of the people who once lived there.
  • Bodie is a classic example of a ghost town, as it was once a thriving community that was eventually abandoned due to changes in the local economy. Today, it serves as a fascinating and eerie reminder of the boom-and-bust cycle that characterized many mining towns in the American West.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Read the following statements and state which of them are true?

Spykman's Rimland Theory was a variant of Mackinder's Heartland Model. Both the models emphasised on

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Read the following statements and state which of them are true?

Spykman's Rimland Theory was a variant of Mackinder's Heartland Model. Both the models emphasised on

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Role of value of location in determining the political destiny of the world", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Read the following statements and state which of them are true?

Spykman's Rimland Theory was a variant of Mackinder's Heartland Model. Both the models emphasised on

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Inner crescent and marginal crescent possessed less strategic significance", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Read the following statements and state which of them are true?

Spykman's Rimland Theory was a variant of Mackinder's Heartland Model. Both the models emphasised on

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Those who controlled the sea would emerge as the owner of the greater resources", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Read the following statements and state which of them are true?

Spykman's Rimland Theory was a variant of Mackinder's Heartland Model. Both the models emphasised on

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "One should proceed from the peripheries to gain control over the centre", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Read the following statements and state which of them are true?

Spykman's Rimland Theory was a variant of Mackinder's Heartland Model. Both the models emphasised on

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Read the following statements and state which of them are true?

Spykman's Rimland Theory was a variant of Mackinder's Heartland Model. Both the models emphasised on

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is the Role of the value of location in determining the political destiny of the world.

Key Points

  • Mackinder’s theory is a spatial analysis of the geopolitics in terms of its location, accessibility, and natural resource base. His theory has laid down the principle of geographical causation of history which means that the pulsations in human history have been caused by geographical conditions.
  • Mackinder interpreted history as essentially a struggle between Land & Sea Power and presented his paper “The Geographical Pivot of History” to elucidate his formula of Geographical Causation in World History.
  • For him, whoever could gain control of ‘World Island’ would be in an almost unstoppable position to dominate the entire globe. In his opinion, the heartland having Agricultural resources could conquer Europe, the Middle East & Far East.
  • The world power seemed to be centralized around the Heartland which he said had all the resources and natural defense by the physiographic factors. It is invincible and represents the supremacy of Land Power which political destiny of the world.
  • According to Mackinder -“Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland?” “Who rules Heartland commands the World-Island?” “Who rules the World-Island commands the World?”.
  • In 1944, Spykman as the point of critic or antithetic to the Heartland Theory presented his work titled “The Rimland Theory” in his book – “The Geography of Peace”. He gave a different interpretation of the relative importance of Heartland (Land Power) vis-a-vis the surrounding Inner and Outer Crescent
  • According to Spykman Sea Power has faster movement, and greater accessibility while Land can be inaccessible due to hills, rivers, deserts, etc. Sea Powers has more than 2/3rd the population of the world and is thus full of human & technological resources. Most of the population is located in Coastal areas.
  • Spykman considered geographical features as important determinants in foreign policy because of their emphasis on spatial variations.
  • In medieval human history and the pre-modern era, Naval Power had supremacy over Land power as they had Navigation Technology, Ships, etc. e.g. British, French, Germany, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italy were all sea powers and the whole world became a colonial house of these countries.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not correctly matched:

Approaches - Periods

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (27)

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following is not correctly matched:

Approaches - Periods

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (28)

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not correctly matched:

Approaches - Periods

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (29)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not correctly matched:

Approaches - Periods

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (30)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not correctly matched:

Approaches - Periods

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (31)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not correctly matched:

Approaches - Periods

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (32)

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not correctly matched:

Approaches - Periods

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (33)

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

With this, new approaches can cross like welfare or humanistic school of thought, radical school of thought and behavioural school of thought.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (34)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below :

Assertion (A) : In the concentric zone model the rich high-class citizens live in the fourth zone.

Reason (R) : Detached homes are found in the fourth zone which is at quite a bit of distance from the Central Business District.

Code :

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below :

Assertion (A) : In the concentric zone model the rich high-class citizens live in the fourth zone.

Reason (R) : Detached homes are found in the fourth zone which is at quite a bit of distance from the Central Business District.

Code :

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below :

Assertion (A) : In the concentric zone model the rich high-class citizens live in the fourth zone.

Reason (R) : Detached homes are found in the fourth zone which is at quite a bit of distance from the Central Business District.

Code :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below :

Assertion (A) : In the concentric zone model the rich high-class citizens live in the fourth zone.

Reason (R) : Detached homes are found in the fourth zone which is at quite a bit of distance from the Central Business District.

Code :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) is true but (R) is false.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below :

Assertion (A) : In the concentric zone model the rich high-class citizens live in the fourth zone.

Reason (R) : Detached homes are found in the fourth zone which is at quite a bit of distance from the Central Business District.

Code :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) is false but (R) is true.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below :

Assertion (A) : In the concentric zone model the rich high-class citizens live in the fourth zone.

Reason (R) : Detached homes are found in the fourth zone which is at quite a bit of distance from the Central Business District.

Code :

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the code given below :

Assertion (A) : In the concentric zone model the rich high-class citizens live in the fourth zone.

Reason (R) : Detached homes are found in the fourth zone which is at quite a bit of distance from the Central Business District.

Code :

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Concentric zone model was given by Ernest Burgess. In this model he divided the structure of the city into 5 zones. These include the Central Business District, Transition zone, working class zone, residential zone and commuter’s zone. The fourth or the residential zone is home to the middle-class people, who have amenities like parks, shops, gardens, lawns, etc. The houses here are detached. The rich, affluent people live in the commuter’s zone, away from the city. These people can afford large houses and cost of the commute.

Thus, the correct answer is D.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who among the following developed the formula TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (35)for delineating crop combination regions?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Who among the following developed the formula TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (36)for delineating crop combination regions?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Doi", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who among the following developed the formula TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (37)for delineating crop combination regions?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Rafiullah", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who among the following developed the formula TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (38)for delineating crop combination regions?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Weaver", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who among the following developed the formula TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (39)for delineating crop combination regions?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Thomas", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who among the following developed the formula TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (40)for delineating crop combination regions?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who among the following developed the formula TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (41)for delineating crop combination regions?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

JC Weaver gave this formula TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (42)for delineating crop combination region, when studied crop combination for the Middle-East countries. Here, n means the number of crops and d refers to the difference or deviation between the actual and hypothetical area covered in the region by the specific number of crop. ∑d2 is the summation of square of the deviation, and the number of crops where this value is lowest, would be suitable for the region.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Indian state with lowest sex ratio is

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The Indian state with lowest sex ratio is

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Indian state with lowest sex ratio is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Indian state with lowest sex ratio is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Uttar Pradesh

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Indian state with lowest sex ratio is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Arunachal Pradesh

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Indian state with lowest sex ratio is

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Indian state with lowest sex ratio is

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

According to census 2011 the sex ratio in Haryana is 879. Although government has claimed touch 950 mark.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which function of total station is used to determine the heights of inaccessible points where it is not possible to locate the prism?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which function of total station is used to determine the heights of inaccessible points where it is not possible to locate the prism?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Coordinated measurements", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which function of total station is used to determine the heights of inaccessible points where it is not possible to locate the prism?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Remote elevation measurements", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which function of total station is used to determine the heights of inaccessible points where it is not possible to locate the prism?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Traverse measurements", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which function of total station is used to determine the heights of inaccessible points where it is not possible to locate the prism?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Setting out functions", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which function of total station is used to determine the heights of inaccessible points where it is not possible to locate the prism?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which function of total station is used to determine the heights of inaccessible points where it is not possible to locate the prism?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


  • Total stationis a combination of anelectronic theodoliteand anelectronic distance meter (EDM).
  • The combination makes it possible to determine the coordinates of a reflector by aligning the instrument cross-hairs on the reflector.
  • A microprocessor in the instrument take care of the recordings, readings, and other computations.
  • Remote elevationfunction of total station is used to determine the heights of inaccessible points where it is not possible to locate the prism.

Uses of Total Station:

  • It is a combination of electronic theodolite for measuringhorizontal and vertical angles.
  • Distance between any two pointsandElevation of objects can be measured.
  • Allthree coordinatesof the observed points can be measured.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following lakes of India is not a lagoon?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which of the following lakes of India is not a lagoon?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Kolleru", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following lakes of India is not a lagoon?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Pulicat", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following lakes of India is not a lagoon?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Loktak", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following lakes of India is not a lagoon?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Chilka", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following lakes of India is not a lagoon?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which of the following lakes of India is not a lagoon?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Lagoon is a shallow body of water which is separated and protected from a larger body of water. Two major types of lagoons are coastal lagoons and atoll lagoons. Word ‘Lagoon’ finds its origin in the Italian term ‘‘laguna” which implies lake or pond. Famous lagoons in India are Pulicat, Chilka, Vembanad,etc are.

Key Points TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (43)

Additional InformationLoktak Lake:

  • It is located in Manipur.
  • Largest natural freshwater lake in North-East and also in India.
  • Famous Keibul Lamjao National Park is also located here. It is the only floating national park in the world.
  • Economically important lake in India.
  • It is famous for the phumdis.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When was National environment planning and coordination (NEPC) established?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

When was National environment planning and coordination (NEPC) established?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When was National environment planning and coordination (NEPC) established?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When was National environment planning and coordination (NEPC) established?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When was National environment planning and coordination (NEPC) established?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1975", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When was National environment planning and coordination (NEPC) established?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When was National environment planning and coordination (NEPC) established?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In February 1972, National environment planning and coordination(NEPC) was established. This was the body that looked after all the environmental issues, plans, and polities. It was established in the Department of Science and technology.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the theories/hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the causes of mountain building.

(A) Nebular Hypothesis

(B) Progressive Wave Theory

(C) Contraction Hypothesis

(D) Plate Tectonics Theory

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Identify the theories/hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the causes of mountain building.

(A) Nebular Hypothesis

(B) Progressive Wave Theory

(C) Contraction Hypothesis

(D) Plate Tectonics Theory

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) and (B) only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the theories/hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the causes of mountain building.

(A) Nebular Hypothesis

(B) Progressive Wave Theory

(C) Contraction Hypothesis

(D) Plate Tectonics Theory

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(B) and (D) only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the theories/hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the causes of mountain building.

(A) Nebular Hypothesis

(B) Progressive Wave Theory

(C) Contraction Hypothesis

(D) Plate Tectonics Theory

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(C) and (D) only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the theories/hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the causes of mountain building.

(A) Nebular Hypothesis

(B) Progressive Wave Theory

(C) Contraction Hypothesis

(D) Plate Tectonics Theory

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) and (D) only", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the theories/hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the causes of mountain building.

(A) Nebular Hypothesis

(B) Progressive Wave Theory

(C) Contraction Hypothesis

(D) Plate Tectonics Theory

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the theories/hypotheses that have been put forward to explain the causes of mountain building.

(A) Nebular Hypothesis

(B) Progressive Wave Theory

(C) Contraction Hypothesis

(D) Plate Tectonics Theory

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Correct Answer: (C) and (D) only.

Key Points

Contraction Hypothesis:

  • H. Jeffreys has presented a detailed discussion of his thermal contraction theory in his famous book, The Earth: Its origin history and physical constitution. Jeffreys is a contraction and seeks an explanation for mountain building within the framework of contraction produced by the loss of heat in the earth’s crust.
  • According to Jeffrey’s calculations, there has been no change in temperature in the interior of the earth, i.e., in the zone from the center of the earth to about 700 km below the earth’s surface. But the uppermost 700 km thick layer has experienced a temperature decrease. In these upper parts, every successive layer cools more rapidly than the layer below it, and, therefore, the upper layers have suffered more contraction than the lower layers.
  • In fact, the hot and less contracting lower layer obstructs and retards the contraction of the upper layer, with the result that the upper layer can contract only by spreading out and thinning itself. The solidified uppermost layer can cool only up to a certain point through this process and therefore its contraction also stops. But the cooling and contraction of the underlying layer continue. The result is that the upper layer becomes larger in comparison to the lower contracting layer, and does not fit in with the underlying layer. In its effort to adjust itself to the contracting lower layer, the upper layer undergoes compression which produces folding and faulting. In other words, the upper layer undergoes crustal shortening.
  • On the other hand, the contracting lower crustal layer becomes smaller than the hot interior and does not fit in with the latter and the former has to spread or stretch itself to conform to the internal layer. This generates tension, resulting in the formation of fissures and cracks. These fissures and cracks get filled up with the hot and molten material from below. In between the upper zone of compression and the lower zone of tension, there should be an intermediate zone where the contraction is such that it is able to adjust itself to the lower contracting crustal layer. This intermediate zone is a level of no strain. As the earth has gone on cooling, the level of no strain has been sliding downwards from the earth’s surface. Above this level, on account of the horizontal compressive stress, there is buckling and folding, and the formation of mountains.

Plate Tectonics Theory:

  • The theory of plate tectonic as outlined by. Hess and R. Dietz and postulated by W. J. Morgan is the most modern, most scientific, and most acceptable theory. It explains the origin of mountains in a scientific manner with the mechanism of plate movements. It recognizes three types of plate boundaries.
  • The divergent and the convergent boundaries are particularly important because oceanic ridges and rift valleys are formed on the divergent boundaries, and the folded mountain ranges are built on the convergent boundaries.
  • The young folded mountains of the world-the Alps, the Himalayan mountain system as well as the Circum Pacific belt of mountains are located on convergent plate boundaries where there is a state of collision between two plates. It may therefore be stated as a general rule that where there is convergence or collision of two plates, mountains are formed as a result of compression in the earth’s crust. The Convergence of plates is possible under three different conditions.
  • collision between a continental and an oceanic plate or continent-ocean collision. The collision between two continental plates or continent-continent collision, and the collision between two oceanic plates or ocean-ocean collision.

Additional Information

  • The nebular hypothesis is the most widely accepted model in the field of cosmogony to explain the formation and evolution of the Solar System. It suggests the Solar System is formed from gas and dust orbiting the Sun.
  • The progressive wave theory regarding tides was put forth by William Whewell.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Terra-Incognita concept given by-" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Terra-Incognita concept given by-","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Eratosthenes", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Terra-Incognita concept given by-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Hecateaus", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Terra-Incognita concept given by-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Ptolemy", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Terra-Incognita concept given by-" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Hipparcus", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Terra-Incognita concept given by-" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Terra-Incognita concept given by-" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Ptolemy. Key PointsTerra-Incognita:Terra incognita or terra ignota (Latin 'unknown land'; incognita is stressed on its second syllable in Latin, but with variation in pronunciation in English) is a term used in cartography for regions that have not been mapped or documented. The expression is believed to be first seen in Ptolemy's Geography c. 150.

  • The term was reintroduced in the 15th century from the rediscovery of Ptolemy's work during the Age of Discovery.
  • The equivalent on French maps would be terres inconnues (plural form), and some English maps may show Parts Unknown.

Additional Information

Contributions of Ptolemy:

  • Planetary hypothesis
  • Text on classical astronomy entitled ‘Almagest’ ( the mathematical treatise)
  • The Geography/ The Guide to Geography
  • The optics and The Tetrabiblos
  • Astrology
  • Explore the Terra-Incognita (the unknown land)
  • A detailed topographical description of places and their history called ‘chorography’
  • He said 'geography is the science which deals with the art of map-making.'

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

_______ are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

_______ are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

_______ are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

_______ are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

_______ are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

_______ are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

_______ are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The line joining the points of equal elevation on ground called contour line and the difference of elevation between two consecutive contours is called contour intervals.

Important points about Contour Line:

  1. Contour line never cross each other and never joins at one location except Vertical Cliff or overhang.
  2. All contours on earth surface are always closed contours.
  3. Contours of small spacing indicate steep slope and contour of large spacing indicate mild or gentle slope.
  4. If some contours are found in small map or small area then it indicates a pond or hill in that area.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which one of the following is NOT an approach in physical geography?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which one of the following is NOT an approach in physical geography?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Areal differentiation", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which one of the following is NOT an approach in physical geography?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Behavioralism", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which one of the following is NOT an approach in physical geography?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Spatial organization", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which one of the following is NOT an approach in physical geography?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Exploration and description", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which one of the following is NOT an approach in physical geography?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which one of the following is NOT an approach in physical geography?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

While learning about physical geography, the most widely used way of obtaining data and information is by visiting, observation, exploration and description of the physical phenomenon. Further studies depend upon this approach rather than behaviouralism. Behaviouralism plays some part in human geography and in determining human behavior of humans.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. Geostationary satellites, at altitudes of approximately 29,000 km, revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the earth, so they seem stationary.

b. Weather and Communication satellites are commonly found in geosynchronous orbits.

c. Sun-synchronous satellites cover each area of the world at a constant local time of the day with almost no change in azimuth.

d. Geostationary satellites provide conditions for acquiring images in a specific season over successive years.

Which of the above statements are correct?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. Geostationary satellites, at altitudes of approximately 29,000 km, revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the earth, so they seem stationary.

b. Weather and Communication satellites are commonly found in geosynchronous orbits.

c. Sun-synchronous satellites cover each area of the world at a constant local time of the day with almost no change in azimuth.

d. Geostationary satellites provide conditions for acquiring images in a specific season over successive years.

Which of the above statements are correct?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a and b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. Geostationary satellites, at altitudes of approximately 29,000 km, revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the earth, so they seem stationary.

b. Weather and Communication satellites are commonly found in geosynchronous orbits.

c. Sun-synchronous satellites cover each area of the world at a constant local time of the day with almost no change in azimuth.

d. Geostationary satellites provide conditions for acquiring images in a specific season over successive years.

Which of the above statements are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b, c and d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. Geostationary satellites, at altitudes of approximately 29,000 km, revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the earth, so they seem stationary.

b. Weather and Communication satellites are commonly found in geosynchronous orbits.

c. Sun-synchronous satellites cover each area of the world at a constant local time of the day with almost no change in azimuth.

d. Geostationary satellites provide conditions for acquiring images in a specific season over successive years.

Which of the above statements are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b and c are", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. Geostationary satellites, at altitudes of approximately 29,000 km, revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the earth, so they seem stationary.

b. Weather and Communication satellites are commonly found in geosynchronous orbits.

c. Sun-synchronous satellites cover each area of the world at a constant local time of the day with almost no change in azimuth.

d. Geostationary satellites provide conditions for acquiring images in a specific season over successive years.

Which of the above statements are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All of the above", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. Geostationary satellites, at altitudes of approximately 29,000 km, revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the earth, so they seem stationary.

b. Weather and Communication satellites are commonly found in geosynchronous orbits.

c. Sun-synchronous satellites cover each area of the world at a constant local time of the day with almost no change in azimuth.

d. Geostationary satellites provide conditions for acquiring images in a specific season over successive years.

Which of the above statements are correct?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. Geostationary satellites, at altitudes of approximately 29,000 km, revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the earth, so they seem stationary.

b. Weather and Communication satellites are commonly found in geosynchronous orbits.

c. Sun-synchronous satellites cover each area of the world at a constant local time of the day with almost no change in azimuth.

d. Geostationary satellites provide conditions for acquiring images in a specific season over successive years.

Which of the above statements are correct?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Geostationary satellites are placed at altitudes of about 36,000km, and revolve at speeds which match the rotation of the earth. Hence, always view the same portion of the earth’s surface E.g., METEOSAT, GOES-e. etc.,

Due to the position of the sun-synchronous satellites and consistent illumination conditions as they cover each area of the world at a constant local time of the day, images can be acquired in a specific season over successive years. This is an important factor for monitoring the changes between images as they do not have to be corrected for different illumination conditions.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The method of mapping depends on the

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The method of mapping depends on the

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Size of the area

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The method of mapping depends on the

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Degree of accuracy aimed at

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The method of mapping depends on the

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Amount of details required

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The method of mapping depends on the

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All of the above", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The method of mapping depends on the

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The method of mapping depends on the

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The method of mapping depends on the Size of the area, Degree of accuracy aimed at, Amount of details required.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "For interpolation of satellite data used for monitoring dynamic changes that occur on the earth surface, the most suitable orbit for the satellite is:" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "For interpolation of satellite data used for monitoring dynamic changes that occur on the earth surface, the most suitable orbit for the satellite is:","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All of the options", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "For interpolation of satellite data used for monitoring dynamic changes that occur on the earth surface, the most suitable orbit for the satellite is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Near polar orbit", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "For interpolation of satellite data used for monitoring dynamic changes that occur on the earth surface, the most suitable orbit for the satellite is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Sun-synchronous orbit", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "For interpolation of satellite data used for monitoring dynamic changes that occur on the earth surface, the most suitable orbit for the satellite is:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Circular orbit", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "For interpolation of satellite data used for monitoring dynamic changes that occur on the earth surface, the most suitable orbit for the satellite is:" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "For interpolation of satellite data used for monitoring dynamic changes that occur on the earth surface, the most suitable orbit for the satellite is:" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


Sun-synchronous orbit

  • Sun-synchronous orbits are designed to synchronize with the Sun's position in the sky, allowing the satellite to pass over any given point on the Earth's surface at the same local solar time during each orbit.
  • This ensures consistent lighting conditions, making it ideal for monitoring and imaging purposes.
  • The regularity of lighting is crucial for comparing images and data collected over time.

Additional InformationNear polar orbit

  • Near polar orbits are characterized by a satellite orbiting the Earth from pole to pole.
  • These orbits are often used for Earth observation satellites because they provide global coverage.
  • Near polar orbits are suitable for monitoring dynamic changes as they allow the satellite to observe different parts of the Earth's surface during each orbit.

Circular orbit

  • A circular orbit is one in which the satellite travels in a path that is a perfect circle.
  • While circular orbits have their uses, they might not be the most suitable for monitoring dynamic changes on the Earth's surface because they do not provide a consistent illumination angle and lighting conditions.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "As per the census 2011, what is the total Literacy rate of male population?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "As per the census 2011, what is the total Literacy rate of male population?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "82 %", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "As per the census 2011, what is the total Literacy rate of male population?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "80 %", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "As per the census 2011, what is the total Literacy rate of male population?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "82.14%", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "As per the census 2011, what is the total Literacy rate of male population?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "83 %", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "As per the census 2011, what is the total Literacy rate of male population?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "As per the census 2011, what is the total Literacy rate of male population?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is 82.14 %.

About Literacy rate:

  • As per the census 2011, The total literacy rate of the Males population is 82.14 % and thefemales'populationis 65.46 % in India.
  • The definition of Literacy rateis theTotal Number of Literatepersons in a given Age Group, asthePercentageof the Total Population in that Age group. For example,The Youth Literacy ratemeasures Literacy amongpersons Aged 15 to 24years,andthe Adult Literacy Ratemeasures Literacy amongpersons Aged 15 years and above.

Key Points

About India Statistical data:

All the data are in the table as per the census 2011.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (44)

Note:Now India has28 states and 8union territories.

Graphical Representation image of The Literacy rate in India (census,2011):

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (45)

Note:- Draupadi Murmu (Current President of India):- from25 July 2022 to Still.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘The structure of movement and household travel behavior’ was given by" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "‘The structure of movement and household travel behavior’ was given by","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Edward Ullman", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘The structure of movement and household travel behavior’ was given by" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Alfred Weber", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘The structure of movement and household travel behavior’ was given by" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Kevin Lynch", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘The structure of movement and household travel behavior’ was given by" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "M.E . Hurst", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘The structure of movement and household travel behavior’ was given by" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "‘The structure of movement and household travel behavior’ was given by" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

M.E. Hurst was an American geographer who focused on transport geography and gave emphasis on behavioral geography. In his paper of the same name, he published the structure of movement and household travel behavior where he took into consideration the factors motivating household travels.

Thus, the correct answer is D.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

At what plate boundary setting is the ocean floor deepest?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

At what plate boundary setting is the ocean floor deepest?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

At what plate boundary setting is the ocean floor deepest?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

At what plate boundary setting is the ocean floor deepest?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

continent - continent collision

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

At what plate boundary setting is the ocean floor deepest?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

At what plate boundary setting is the ocean floor deepest?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

At what plate boundary setting is the ocean floor deepest?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Answer: Option 2) Subduction.

The Earth's lithosphere is divided intotectonicplates that interact with one another at plate boundaries, influencing the topography of the ocean floor. The subsequent question delves into the characteristics of different plate boundary settings and seeks to identify the setting where the ocean floor is the deepest.

Key Points

  • The ocean floor is deepest at subduction zones.
  • Subduction zones occur at convergent plate boundaries, where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another.
  • This process results in the formation of deep ocean trenches, such as the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific, which is known as the deepest point on Earth's ocean floor.
  • The subduction of oceanic plates beneath continental plates or another oceanic plate creates a trench-like depression.

Additional Information

  • Divergent: At divergent plate boundaries, tectonic plates move away from each other, creating mid-ocean ridges. While these ridges can be elevated, they are not associated with the deepest parts of the ocean floor.
  • Continent - Continent Collision: Continent-continent collisions result in the formation of large mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas. While this setting can lead to significant topographical features, it does not create the deepest parts of the ocean floor.
  • Transform:Transform plate boundaries involve plates sliding past each other horizontally. They are associated with features like strike-slip faults but do not typically result in the creation of deep ocean trenches.

Hence, the ocean floor is deepest at subduction zones.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is a significant reason for the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

What is a significant reason for the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Volcanic activity

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is a significant reason for the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Coral reef growth

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is a significant reason for the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Underwater landslides

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is a significant reason for the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Glacial deposits

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is a significant reason for the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is a significant reason for the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Key Points

  • Submarine canyons, fascinating features on continental shelves, are the focus of the next question.
  • Understanding the forces that shape these canyons provides insights into the dynamic processes occurring beneath the ocean's surface.
  • A significant reason for the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf is Underwater landslides.
  • The underwater landslides can dislodge sediments collected on the continental shelves during storms or earthquakes.
  • The force of these moving sediments erodes the slopes as they come down, resulting in the carving out of submarine canyons.

Additional Information

Volcanic activity: While volcanic activity can shape the ocean floor, submarine canyons are more directly associated with the erosional processes linked to underwater landslides.

Coral reef growth: Coral reefs are formations built by living organisms and are not directly related to the creation of submarine canyons.

Glacial deposits: Glacial deposits may influence geological features in polar or glaciated regions, but the primary mechanism for submarine canyon formationis underwater landslides.

Hence, the significant force contributing to the formation of submarine canyons on the continental shelf is c) Underwater landslides.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following regions is likely to have a narrower continental shelf?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following regions is likely to have a narrower continental shelf?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Coast along the eastern Pacific Ocean

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following regions is likely to have a narrower continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Coast of West Europe

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following regions is likely to have a narrower continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Coast of Florida

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following regions is likely to have a narrower continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Coast of the Indian Peninsula

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following regions is likely to have a narrower continental shelf?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following regions is likely to have a narrower continental shelf?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Answer: Option1)Coast along the eastern Pacific Ocean.

Continental shelves, the shallow submerged extensions of continents, exhibit variations in width along different coastlines. The subsequent question explores the potential differences in continental shelf width among distinct regions.

Key Points

  • The region that is likely to have a narrower continental shelf is the Coast along the eastern Pacific Ocean.
  • The continental shelves can be much narrower or absent in regions where fold mountains run parallel or close to the coast, such as along the eastern Pacific Ocean.
  • This geological characteristic results in a steeper drop-off from the coast to the ocean floor, leading to a narrower continental shelf.

Additional Information

  • Coast of West Europe: This region is mentioned to have a continental shelf extending to 320 kilometers from the Cape of Land’s End, suggesting a relatively wider continental shelf compared to the eastern Pacific.
  • Coast of Florida:The continental shelf boundary off the coast of Florida varies depending on the location. Off the west coast, the boundary is three marine leagues or 10.36 statutory miles from the shoreline, while off the east coast, it is three nautical miles from the shoreline. This difference is due to the different geological and physiographic characteristics of the two coasts.
  • Coast of the Indian Peninsula:There is avariations in the width of the continental shelf along the Indian Peninsula, with the eastern coast having a wider shelf than the western coast.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the shallow submerged extension of a continent called?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

What is the shallow submerged extension of a continent called?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Oceanic Trench

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the shallow submerged extension of a continent called?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Continental Divide

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the shallow submerged extension of a continent called?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Continental Shelf

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the shallow submerged extension of a continent called?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Abyssal Plain

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the shallow submerged extension of a continent called?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the shallow submerged extension of a continent called?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Answer: Option 3) continental Shelf.

The Earth's surface exhibits a fascinating interplay between land and water, and one notable feature is the transition between continents and oceans. Unlike a clear and defined separation, continents gradually slope seaward from the coast. This slope leads to the formation of a shallow submerged extension of the continent, a geographical feature of great importance. The upcoming question explores the terminology associated with this submerged extension.

Key Points

  • The shallow submerged extension of a continent is termed the Continental Shelf.
  • This region, varying in width and depth, represents the subaquatic continuation of the continent's landmass.
  • the depth of the shallow seawater over the continental shelf ranges between 120 to 370 meters, and its width can vary significantly, extending from a few kilometers to over 100 kilometers.
  • The variations in continental shelf characteristics are observable globally, as evidenced by the differences between the eastern and western coasts of the Indian Peninsula, or the distinctions along the coasts of West Europe and Florida.

Additional Information

Oceanic Trench: An oceanic trench is a completely different geological feature compared to the continental shelf. Trenches are deep, elongated cavities in the ocean floor, typically formed by the subduction of tectonic plates. These are the deepest parts of the ocean and are quite distinct from the shallow, submerged extension of continents.

Continental Divide: The Continental Divide refers to a ridge along mountainous terrain that separates waters flowing into different oceans or river systems. It marks the boundary where rainfall or melting snowmelt may flow into different drainage basins. This term is more associated with the direction of water flow on the Earth's surface, rather than the physical extension of continents into the ocean.

Abyssal Plain:Abyssal plains are vast, flat expanses on the ocean floor that lie in the abyssal zone, typically at depths exceeding 4,000 meters. These plains are characterized by sediment deposition and are far deeper than the continental shelf. They are quite different from the shallower regions associated with the continental shelf.

hence, the term for the shallow submerged extension of a continent, where continents gently meet the oceanic expanse, is the Continental Shelf (Option c).

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

What is the depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

50 to 150 meters

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

200 to 400 meters

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

120 to 370 meters

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

500 to 800 meters

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What is the depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Answer: Option 3)120 to 370 meters.

The Earth's geographical features are diverse, ranging from towering mountain ranges to vast oceanic expanses. One intriguing aspect is the continental shelf, a shallow submerged extension of continents. Within this unique realm, the depth of seawater varies, playing a crucial role in marine ecosystems. The forthcoming question explores the specific depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf.

Important Points

  • The depth range of shallow seawater over the continental shelf is between 120 to 370 meters.
  • This range was emphasized in the passage, highlighting the relatively shallow nature of this region compared to the deeper waters of the open ocean.
  • The shallowness of this area is of paramount significance, as it allows sunlight to penetrate the water column, fostering the growth of microscopic plants and animals known as plankton.
  • This, in turn, makes the continental shelf a rich source of food for various marine organisms.

Hence, 120 to 370 meters (Option c), is a critical parameter defining the characteristics and ecological importance of this geographical feature.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following pairs:

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (46)

How many of the above mentioned pairs are correctly matched?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Consider the following pairs:

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (47)

How many of the above mentioned pairs are correctly matched?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only one", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following pairs:

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (48)

How many of the above mentioned pairs are correctly matched?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only two", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following pairs:

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (49)

How many of the above mentioned pairs are correctly matched?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All four pairs", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following pairs:

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (50)

How many of the above mentioned pairs are correctly matched?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only three", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following pairs:

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (51)

How many of the above mentioned pairs are correctly matched?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following pairs:

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (52)

How many of the above mentioned pairs are correctly matched?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Only three.
Important Points

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (53)

Here is the justification for each:


  • The Mississippi River is one of the longest rivers in North America, flowing through ten U.S. states, from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.


  • The Amazon River is in South America, primarily flowing through Brazil and Peru.
  • It's the second longest river in the world and has the largest drainage basin on the planet, not to mention its crucial role in the Amazon Rainforest's ecosystem.


  • The Orange River, contrary to what's listed in the table, is not in Asia.
  • It's actually the longest river in South Africa and forms part of the border between South Africa and Namibia.


  • The Darling River is the third longest river in Australia, running through New South Wales.
  • It is part of the Murray-Darling river system, which is the longest river system in Australia.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Isohalines are lines joining equal:" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Isohalines are lines joining equal:","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "temperature.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Isohalines are lines joining equal:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "pressure.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Isohalines are lines joining equal:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "rainfall.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Isohalines are lines joining equal:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "salinity.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Isohalines are lines joining equal:" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Isohalines are lines joining equal:" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is salinity.

Key Points

  • Isohalines
    • It is used on maps to show the salinity of different places. Hence, Option 4 is correct.
    • The average salinity of the ocean is 3.5% or 35 parts of salt in 1000 parts of water.
    • The salinity of the Great Salt Lake, (Utah, USA), the Dead Sea, and the Lake Van in Turkey are 220, 240, and 330 respectively.
    • The oceans and salt lakes are becoming saltier as time goes on because the rivers dump more salt into them, while freshwater is lost due to evaporation.
  • The more frequently drawn isopleths include:
    • Isotherm (equal temperature)
    • Isobar (equal pressure)
    • Isohyets (equal rainfall)
    • Isonephs (equal cloudiness)
    • Isohels (equal sunshine)
    • contours (equal heights)
    • Isobaths (equal depths)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): In southern hemisphere, westerlies are stronger with very high velocity of winds than in the northem hemisphere.

Reason (R): In southern hemisphere, there is vast expanse of ocean and therefore westerlies attain terrific speed.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Assertion (A): In southern hemisphere, westerlies are stronger with very high velocity of winds than in the northem hemisphere.

Reason (R): In southern hemisphere, there is vast expanse of ocean and therefore westerlies attain terrific speed.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): In southern hemisphere, westerlies are stronger with very high velocity of winds than in the northem hemisphere.

Reason (R): In southern hemisphere, there is vast expanse of ocean and therefore westerlies attain terrific speed.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): In southern hemisphere, westerlies are stronger with very high velocity of winds than in the northem hemisphere.

Reason (R): In southern hemisphere, there is vast expanse of ocean and therefore westerlies attain terrific speed.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(A) is true and (R) is flase.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): In southern hemisphere, westerlies are stronger with very high velocity of winds than in the northem hemisphere.

Reason (R): In southern hemisphere, there is vast expanse of ocean and therefore westerlies attain terrific speed.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(A) is false, but (R) is ture

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): In southern hemisphere, westerlies are stronger with very high velocity of winds than in the northem hemisphere.

Reason (R): In southern hemisphere, there is vast expanse of ocean and therefore westerlies attain terrific speed.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): In southern hemisphere, westerlies are stronger with very high velocity of winds than in the northem hemisphere.

Reason (R): In southern hemisphere, there is vast expanse of ocean and therefore westerlies attain terrific speed.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct reason is Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Key Points

  • The westerlies are steadier and stronger in the southern hemisphere because they face minimal land interference as compared to the northern hemisphere.
    • Land interference causes obstruction in the flow of wind in the northern hemisphere, thus slowing the westerlies.
    • Hence (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
  • The prevailing wind in a region of the Earth's surface is a surface wind that blows predominantly from a particular direction.
    • The dominant winds are the trends in direction of the wind with the highest speed over a particular point on the Earth's surface.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (54)

  • Hence, option 4 is correct.

Additional Information

  • Westerlies
    • The westerlies are the winds blowing from the subtropical high-pressure belts towards the sub-polar low-pressure belts.
    • They blow from south­west to north-east in the northern hemisphere and north-west to south-east in the southern hemisphere.
    • The westerlies of the southern hemisphere are stronger and persistent due to the vast expanse of water, while those of the northern hemisphere are irregular because of uneven relief of vast land masses.
    • The westerlies are best developed between 40° and 65°S latitudes.
      • These latitudes are often called Roaring Forties, Furious Fifties, and Shrieking Sixties – dreaded terms for sailors.
    • The poleward boundary of the westerlies is highly fluctuating. There are many seasonal and short-term fluctuations. These winds produce wet spells and variability in weather.
  • Polar easterlies
    • The Polar easterlies are dry, cold prevailing winds blowing from north-east to south-west direction in Northern Hemisphere and south-east to the north-west in Southern Hemisphere.
    • They blow from the polar high-pressure areas of the sub-polar lows.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which factor has increased the international or world trade patterns?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which factor has increased the international or world trade patterns?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Transportation", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which factor has increased the international or world trade patterns?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Irrigation practices", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which factor has increased the international or world trade patterns?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Agricultural Practices", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which factor has increased the international or world trade patterns?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Industrialization", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which factor has increased the international or world trade patterns?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which factor has increased the international or world trade patterns?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The increasing tempo of Industrialization has made world trade or international trade much more important. Industries provide manufactured goods and machinery to the farms and houses. Moreover, it supports a lot of employment opportunities. And the most important point is that the industrialization increases the output or production capacity of several agricultural farms. Along with this, Industrialization increases self-sufficiency, diversification of economy, and raising of living standards.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What kind of products were exported by Canada during the 19th century?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

What kind of products were exported by Canada during the 19th century?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Forestry products", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What kind of products were exported by Canada during the 19th century?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Manufactured products", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What kind of products were exported by Canada during the 19th century?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Dairy Products", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What kind of products were exported by Canada during the 19th century?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "None of the above", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What kind of products were exported by Canada during the 19th century?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What kind of products were exported by Canada during the 19th century?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

During the 19th century, Canada was a major exporter of primary products, mainly to the United Kingdom. The greatest single export item is forest products which accounts for a third of the annual total. After that comes wheat and flour and many important minerals.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is the largest Bay of the world?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which among the following is the largest Bay of the world?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Bay of Bengal

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is the largest Bay of the world?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Hudson Bay

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is the largest Bay of the world?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Blacksod Bay

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is the largest Bay of the world?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Sandy Bay, Gibraltar", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is the largest Bay of the world?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is the largest Bay of the world?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bay of Bengal is the largest bay in the world. It is located to southeast of India. The Hudson bay comes second.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements on digital image processing and choose which amongst them is true:

i. The process of digital image process is also called satellite image processing.

ii. Image pre-processing, Image enhancement and image classification are classification of digital image processing.

iii. The process is widely preferred.

iv. satellite images contain no errors. .

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Consider the following statements on digital image processing and choose which amongst them is true:

i. The process of digital image process is also called satellite image processing.

ii. Image pre-processing, Image enhancement and image classification are classification of digital image processing.

iii. The process is widely preferred.

iv. satellite images contain no errors. .

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only (i)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements on digital image processing and choose which amongst them is true:

i. The process of digital image process is also called satellite image processing.

ii. Image pre-processing, Image enhancement and image classification are classification of digital image processing.

iii. The process is widely preferred.

iv. satellite images contain no errors. .

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Only (ii)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements on digital image processing and choose which amongst them is true:

i. The process of digital image process is also called satellite image processing.

ii. Image pre-processing, Image enhancement and image classification are classification of digital image processing.

iii. The process is widely preferred.

iv. satellite images contain no errors. .

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(i) and(ii)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements on digital image processing and choose which amongst them is true:

i. The process of digital image process is also called satellite image processing.

ii. Image pre-processing, Image enhancement and image classification are classification of digital image processing.

iii. The process is widely preferred.

iv. satellite images contain no errors. .

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements on digital image processing and choose which amongst them is true:

i. The process of digital image process is also called satellite image processing.

ii. Image pre-processing, Image enhancement and image classification are classification of digital image processing.

iii. The process is widely preferred.

iv. satellite images contain no errors. .

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements on digital image processing and choose which amongst them is true:

i. The process of digital image process is also called satellite image processing.

ii. Image pre-processing, Image enhancement and image classification are classification of digital image processing.

iii. The process is widely preferred.

iv. satellite images contain no errors. .

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Digital image processing is a technique which involves manipulation of digital image to extract information. When satellite images are being manipulated in such manner, this technique is also referred to as satellite image processing. It involves combination of software based image processing tools. There are three classification of digital image processing.

Thus, the correct answer is C.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. GIS is an institutional entity, reflecting an organisational structure that integrates technology with a database, expertise and continuing financial support over time.

b. GIS is an internally referenced, automated, spatial information system.

c. GIS is any manual or computer-based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data.

d. GIS can present the results of information analyses using multimedia technologies

Which of the following statements above is /are correct?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. GIS is an institutional entity, reflecting an organisational structure that integrates technology with a database, expertise and continuing financial support over time.

b. GIS is an internally referenced, automated, spatial information system.

c. GIS is any manual or computer-based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data.

d. GIS can present the results of information analyses using multimedia technologies

Which of the following statements above is /are correct?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a, b and d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. GIS is an institutional entity, reflecting an organisational structure that integrates technology with a database, expertise and continuing financial support over time.

b. GIS is an internally referenced, automated, spatial information system.

c. GIS is any manual or computer-based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data.

d. GIS can present the results of information analyses using multimedia technologies

Which of the following statements above is /are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a, b and c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. GIS is an institutional entity, reflecting an organisational structure that integrates technology with a database, expertise and continuing financial support over time.

b. GIS is an internally referenced, automated, spatial information system.

c. GIS is any manual or computer-based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data.

d. GIS can present the results of information analyses using multimedia technologies

Which of the following statements above is /are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a and c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. GIS is an institutional entity, reflecting an organisational structure that integrates technology with a database, expertise and continuing financial support over time.

b. GIS is an internally referenced, automated, spatial information system.

c. GIS is any manual or computer-based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data.

d. GIS can present the results of information analyses using multimedia technologies

Which of the following statements above is /are correct?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All of the above", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. GIS is an institutional entity, reflecting an organisational structure that integrates technology with a database, expertise and continuing financial support over time.

b. GIS is an internally referenced, automated, spatial information system.

c. GIS is any manual or computer-based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data.

d. GIS can present the results of information analyses using multimedia technologies

Which of the following statements above is /are correct?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Consider the following statements:-

a. GIS is an institutional entity, reflecting an organisational structure that integrates technology with a database, expertise and continuing financial support over time.

b. GIS is an internally referenced, automated, spatial information system.

c. GIS is any manual or computer-based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data.

d. GIS can present the results of information analyses using multimedia technologies

Which of the following statements above is /are correct?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

All the above statements are correct, since GIS can be defined as a toolbox, as a database and as an organization. The first three statements explain GIS in terms of Database and Organization while the last statement is a characteristic feature of GIS. So, simply stated, GIS is a set of computer-based systems for managing geographical data and using these data to solve spatial problems.

Thus, the Correct answer is D.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (55)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Match List-I with List-II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (56)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(a)-(ii); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv); (d)-(iii)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (57)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(a)-(iv); (b)-(iii); (c)-(ii); (d)-(i)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (58)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(a)-(i); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(iv)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (59)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(a)-(iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (60)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List-I with List-II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (61)

Select the correct answer from the options given below:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

  • The Mana pass derives from a name of a village with the same name in Uttarakhand. It’s last village on the border of Uttarakhand. Trade here is carried out with the help of mules.
  • Khardung la is a pass in Jammu & Kashmir. At 18000 ft above the sea level, it’s the highest motor able road in the world.
  • The famous Rohtang pass in Himachal Pradesh connects the Kullu Valley with Spiti and Lahual Valley.
  • Nathu la is a pass in Sikkim that lies in East Sikkim district and serves as one of the open trading posts on the border with China.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Software industry has developed rapidly in India since 1990s.

Reason (R): India has a lot of technically skilled manpower.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Software industry has developed rapidly in India since 1990s.

Reason (R): India has a lot of technically skilled manpower.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Software industry has developed rapidly in India since 1990s.

Reason (R): India has a lot of technically skilled manpower.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Software industry has developed rapidly in India since 1990s.

Reason (R): India has a lot of technically skilled manpower.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) is true, but (R) is false", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Software industry has developed rapidly in India since 1990s.

Reason (R): India has a lot of technically skilled manpower.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "(A) is false, but (R) is true", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Software industry has developed rapidly in India since 1990s.

Reason (R): India has a lot of technically skilled manpower.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Software industry has developed rapidly in India since 1990s.

Reason (R): India has a lot of technically skilled manpower.

Select the correct answer from options given below:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The software industry is one of the leading industries in India. This industry had a breakthrough and has developed rapidly since 1990s. The reason for such unprecedented development is that there is abundance of skilled technicians in India who are very skilled at software development.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (62)

The graph best illustrates the effect of European exploration, conquest, and settlement during the Age of Discovery on demographic patterns in which of the following world regions?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (63)

The graph best illustrates the effect of European exploration, conquest, and settlement during the Age of Discovery on demographic patterns in which of the following world regions?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Sub-Saharan Africa

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (64)

The graph best illustrates the effect of European exploration, conquest, and settlement during the Age of Discovery on demographic patterns in which of the following world regions?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

South America, Central America, and the Caribbean

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (65)

The graph best illustrates the effect of European exploration, conquest, and settlement during the Age of Discovery on demographic patterns in which of the following world regions?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Southeast Asia

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (66)

The graph best illustrates the effect of European exploration, conquest, and settlement during the Age of Discovery on demographic patterns in which of the following world regions?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "North Africa and the Middle East", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (67)

The graph best illustrates the effect of European exploration, conquest, and settlement during the Age of Discovery on demographic patterns in which of the following world regions?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (68)

The graph best illustrates the effect of European exploration, conquest, and settlement during the Age of Discovery on demographic patterns in which of the following world regions?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of human migrations and the causes and effects of population movement within and between world regions. Information presented in the graph illustrates the devastating effect that the introduction of European diseases had on the indigenous populations of Latin America and the Caribbean during the Age of Discovery.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who tried to combine the three branches of geographygeneral, mathematical and physical, and, chorology in his book ‘Geographia Generalis’?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Who tried to combine the three branches of geographygeneral, mathematical and physical, and, chorology in his book ‘Geographia Generalis’?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "John Strachey", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who tried to combine the three branches of geographygeneral, mathematical and physical, and, chorology in his book ‘Geographia Generalis’?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Varenius", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who tried to combine the three branches of geographygeneral, mathematical and physical, and, chorology in his book ‘Geographia Generalis’?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Immanuel Kant", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who tried to combine the three branches of geographygeneral, mathematical and physical, and, chorology in his book ‘Geographia Generalis’?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Hartshorne", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who tried to combine the three branches of geographygeneral, mathematical and physical, and, chorology in his book ‘Geographia Generalis’?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Who tried to combine the three branches of geographygeneral, mathematical and physical, and, chorology in his book ‘Geographia Generalis’?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Correct Answer:Varenius.

Key Points

  • This was followed by another exclusive volume on the religions of Japan.
  • However, Varenius’ most significant contribution was his book, ‘Geographia Generalis’ (1650) which was one of the first attempts to combine three branches of geography—general (systematic), mathematical and physical—and, chorology (the science of space).
  • This book consisted of three parts:
    • The absolute or terrestrial part deals with the shape and size of the earth as well as the physical geography of continents, seas, and the atmosphere.
    • The relative or the cosmic part describes the relation between the earth and other celestial bodies especially the sun and its effects on global climate.
    • The comparative part focuses on the principles of navigation and the location of different places in relation to each other.
  • In the preface of Geographia Generalis, Varenius advocated that the description of particular places should take into consideration the:
    • Celestial conditions—climate,
    • Terrestrial conditions—relief, soil, vegetation, and biotic life,
    • Human conditions—population, settlement, trade, forms of government.

Important Points

  • Geographia generalis (1650), Varenius’s best-known work, sought to lay down the general principles of geography on a wide scientific basis according to the knowledge of the day.
  • It not only was systematic geography on a scale not previously attempted but also contained a scheme for special, now known as regional, geography.
  • That major work was frequently revised, and the edition of 1672 had improvements by Sir Isaac Newton.
  • Varenius’ Geographia Generalis could have had a second volume but it could not be completed owing to his untimely and premature death in 1650. This book was translated into several editions in Latin.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the statements is correct about visual interpretation of data?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the statements is correct about visual interpretation of data?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

It is an automated, software-led exercise.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the statements is correct about visual interpretation of data?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

It involves reading of images of objects for their identification.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the statements is correct about visual interpretation of data?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

The image characteristics include elements like tone, texture, shape, etc.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the statements is correct about visual interpretation of data?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Both 2 and 3.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the statements is correct about visual interpretation of data?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the statements is correct about visual interpretation of data?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

About visual interpretation of data in remote sensing:

  • It is a manual exercise.
  • Visual interpretation involves the reading of the images of the objects that require identification.
  • Extraction and interpretation of digital images require hardware as well as software components.
  • There are several elements involved in the visual interpretation of the data.
    • Size of the object
    • Location of the object
    • The object's relations with the surrounding environment.

Elements of visual interpretation:

  • Colour - This is the component wherein the energy reflected by the object is captured in different colours, grayscales.
    • Changes in the amount of radiation while coming across different types of terrain, changes in slope, changes in water, etc.
  • Texture - This component measures even the slightest changes in the smoothness of the structure.
    • The Texture is correlated to the resolution of the captured image. A high-resolution image of a sugarcane field will show coarse-grained texture.
  • Size - Reveals the size of the object. It helps in identifying various industrial complexes from other objects.
  • Shape - Accurately defines the shape of the object to easily identify unique structures. This also makes the interpretation of the object easy.
  • Shadow - Though, not very useful in visual interpretation of data, it is quite useful in aerial photography.
  • Pattern - This component depicts different spatial arrangements of the object with the respect to the surrounding.
  • Association - It depicts the relationship between the object and the surrounding along with their geographical location.

Thus, the correct answer to the question is option 4

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (69)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A greenhouse gas like CO2, absorbs:" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "A greenhouse gas like CO2, absorbs:","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "heat", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A greenhouse gas like CO2, absorbs:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "moisture", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A greenhouse gas like CO2, absorbs:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "oxygen", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A greenhouse gas like CO2, absorbs:" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "hydrogen", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A greenhouse gas like CO2, absorbs:" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "A greenhouse gas like CO2, absorbs:" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "


Greenhouse gas:

  • carbon dioxide and methaneare commonly known as greenhouse gases.
  • Because they are responsible for the greenhouse effect.


Greenhouse effect:

  • The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring phenomenon that is responsible for the heating of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere.
  • Clouds and gases reflect about one-fourth of the incoming solar radiation and absorb some of it but almost half of the incoming solar radiation falls on Earth’s surface heating it, while a small proportion is reflected back.
  • Earth’s surface re-emits heat in the form of infrared radiation but part of this does not escape into space as atmospheric greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) absorb a major fraction of it.
  • The molecules of these gases radiate heat energya major part of which again comes to Earth’s surface, thus heating it up once again.
  • An increase in the level of greenhouse gases has led to considerable heating of the Earth leading to global warming.

Thus, agreenhouse gas like CO2absorbs heat.

Additional InformationMoisture:

  • The presence of a liquid, especially water, even in minute amounts, is referred to as moisture.
  • For instance, little amounts of water can be found in the air, food, etc.
  • The amount of water vapour in the air is also referred to as moisture.


  • The chemical element with the atomic number 8 and symbol O is called oxygen.
  • Approximately 78% of the air in Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen, while 21% is oxygen.


  • While hydrogen is abundant on Earth in combination with other elements, such as in water and hydrocarbons.
  • It is incredibly rare and only makes up 0.00005 per cent of our atmosphere.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which factor is NOT a parameter for declaring an area as an urban area?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Which factor is NOT a parameter for declaring an area as an urban area?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A minimum population of 5000", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which factor is NOT a parameter for declaring an area as an urban area?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "At least 75% of male population engaged in non-agricultural occupation", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which factor is NOT a parameter for declaring an area as an urban area?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Density of population of at least 400 persons per square kilometre", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which factor is NOT a parameter for declaring an area as an urban area?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "At least 60% of the population lie above poverty line", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which factor is NOT a parameter for declaring an area as an urban area?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Which factor is NOT a parameter for declaring an area as an urban area?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is At least 60% of the population lie above poverty line.

Key Points

  • Urban areas:
    • These areas are defined as places that are extremely developed, have lots of options for employment and education, and have excellent infrastructure.
    • These areas have improved railroads, homes, businesses, bridges, and roadways.
    • There is typically a high population density in urban areas, such as cities and towns.
  • A person is said to be living in poverty if they fall below a certain level, known as the poverty line. Typically, the cost of essential necessities like food, housing, and clothing is used to determine the poverty line.
  • 'At least 60% of the population lie above poverty line' is not a parameter for declaring an area as an urban area.

Additional Information

  • Since the state government does not have any objective standards for defining what constitutes a 'urban settlement,' the national government, acting through the Office of Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India, defines a 'urban settlement' according to the following standards:
    • (a) if it has an urban local government (i.e., statutory towns notified by the state government)
    • (b) any place that satisfies the following three criteria:
      • (i) minimum population of 5,000
      • (ii) at least 75 percent of male working population engaged in non-agricultural activities
      • (iii) population density of at least 400 persons per sq. km (1,000 persons per sq. mile).
  • The term 'population density' describes the amount of people residing in a specific area, typically expressed as 'persons per square kilometre.'
  • The process by which a community moves from rural to urban settings, or from one location to another, is known as urbanisation. High population densities, non-agricultural jobs, and advanced infrastructure and services are characteristics of urban regions.
  • The suburbs are located outside of cities and typically have a lower population. They go by the name of residential areas as well. Compared to the city, the suburbs have larger homes, more parks, and open areas. A large number of city dwellers relocate to the suburbs. We call this suburban migration.
  • The metropolitan region and the rural area are diametrically opposed. In comparison to metropolitan areas, rural areas have lower population densities and fewer options for employment and education. Agriculture is the main industry in rural areas.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the Urban Settlements:

1. Conurbation

2. Megalopolis

3. Million City

4. Town

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the Urban settlements according to their increasing size?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Consider the Urban Settlements:

1. Conurbation

2. Megalopolis

3. Million City

4. Town

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the Urban settlements according to their increasing size?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "3 - 2 - 4 - 1", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the Urban Settlements:

1. Conurbation

2. Megalopolis

3. Million City

4. Town

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the Urban settlements according to their increasing size?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "3 - 4 - 2 - 1", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the Urban Settlements:

1. Conurbation

2. Megalopolis

3. Million City

4. Town

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the Urban settlements according to their increasing size?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "4 - 1 - 3 - 2", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the Urban Settlements:

1. Conurbation

2. Megalopolis

3. Million City

4. Town

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the Urban settlements according to their increasing size?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "4 - 3 - 1 - 2", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the Urban Settlements:

1. Conurbation

2. Megalopolis

3. Million City

4. Town

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the Urban settlements according to their increasing size?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the Urban Settlements:

1. Conurbation

2. Megalopolis

3. Million City

4. Town

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the Urban settlements according to their increasing size?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is option 4.

  • Increasing size: Town - Million City - Conurbation - Megalopolis.

Key PointsTypes of Urban Settlements:

  • Depending on the size and the services available and functions rendered, urban centers are designated as town, million cities, conurbations, and megalopolis.


  • The concept of ‘town’ can best be understood with reference to ‘village’.
  • Population size is not the only criterion.
  • Functional contrasts between towns and villages may not always be clear-cut, but specific functions such as manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, and professional services exist in towns.


  • A city may be regarded as a leading town, which has outstripped its local or regional rivals.
  • In the words of Lewis Mumford, “ the city is in fact the physical form of the highest and most complex type of associative life”.
  • Cities are much larger than towns and have a greater number of economic functions.
  • They tend to have transport terminals, major financial institutions and regional administrative offices.
  • When the population crosses the one million mark it is designated as a million city.

​Million City:

  • The number of million cities in the world has been increasing as never before.
  • London reached the million mark in 1800, followed by Paris in 1850, and New York in 1860, and by 1950 there were around 80 such cities.
  • The rate of increase in the number of million cities has been three-fold in every three decades – around 160 in 1975 to around 438 in 2005.


  • The term conurbation was coined by Patrick Geddes in 1915.
  • It is applied to a large area of urban development that resulted from the merging of originally separate towns or cities.
  • Greater London, Manchester, Chicago and Tokyo are examples.


  • This Greek word meaning “great city”, was popularised by Jean Gottman (1957) and signifies ‘super- metropolitan’ region extending, as the union of conurbations.
  • The urban landscape stretching from Boston in the north to south of Washington in the U.S.A. is the best-known example of a megalopolis.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List I with List II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (70)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Match List I with List II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (71)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(A) - (II), (B) - (IV), (C) - (I), (D) - (III)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List I with List II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (72)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (IV)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List I with List II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (73)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(A) - (IV), (B) - (III), (C) - (II), (D) - (I)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List I with List II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (74)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(A) - (III), (B) - (II), (C) - (I), (D) - (IV)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List I with List II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (75)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Match List I with List II :

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (76)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Correct Answer: ​(A) - (I), (B) - (II), (C) - (III), (D) - (IV).

Key Points

TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - TS TET (77)
Additional Information

  • Peter Haggett CBE FBA is a British geographer and academic, Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Fellow in Urban and Regional Geography at the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol.
  • Torsten Hägerstrand was a Swedish geographer. He is known for his work on migration, cultural diffusion, and, time geography. A native and resident of Sweden, Hägerstrand was a professor of geography at Lund University, where he received his doctorate in 1953. His doctoral research was on cultural diffusion.
  • Richard John Chorley was an English geographer, and Professor of Geography at Cambridge University, known as the leading figure in quantitative geography in the late 20th century, who played an instrumental role in bringing the use of systems theory to geography.
  • William Wheeler Bunge Jr. was an American geographer active mainly as a quantitative geographer and spatial theorist. He also became a radical geographer and anti-war activist in the US and Canada.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In the northwestern Pacific Ocean, a tropical cyclone is called as" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "In the northwestern Pacific Ocean, a tropical cyclone is called as","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Hurricane", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In the northwestern Pacific Ocean, a tropical cyclone is called as" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Sandstorm", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In the northwestern Pacific Ocean, a tropical cyclone is called as" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Avalanche", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In the northwestern Pacific Ocean, a tropical cyclone is called as" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Typhoon", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In the northwestern Pacific Ocean, a tropical cyclone is called as" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In the northwestern Pacific Ocean, a tropical cyclone is called as" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A tropical cyclone has a low pressure centre, strong winds along with thunder and rains. It has different names in different places. In the Northwestern Pacific Ocean is called as typhoon. In Indian Ocean they are simply called severe cyclonic storms or tropical cyclones. In northeastern Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, they are called as hurricanes.

Thus, the correct answer is D.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched in" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched in","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2016", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched in" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2017", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched in" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2018", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched in" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2019", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched in" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched in" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) was launched on 10th January 2019 by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. The tentative national level target of 20%–30% reduction of PM2.5 and PM10 concentration by 2024 is proposed under the NCAP taking 2017 as the base year for the comparison of concentration.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of TS SET Paper 2 Mock Test - 9 (Geography) to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as :

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as :

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as :

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The use of microorganism metabolism to remove pollutants such as oil spills in the water bodies is known as :

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bioremediation is a process used to treat contaminated media, including water, soil and subsurface material, by altering environmental conditions to stimulate growth of microorganisms and degrade the target pollutants.

." }}}] }]

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