Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network … · 2014-01-30 · 2 In our previous work we demonstrated and compared the distributed and centralized impairment-aware - [PDF Document] (2024)

Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network …· 2014-01-30· 2 In our previous work we demonstrated and compared the distributed and centralized impairment-aware - [PDF Document] (1)


Experimental Demonstration of an ImpairmentAware Network Planning and Operation Tool for

Transparent/Translucent Optical NetworksSiamak Azodolmolky, Jordi Perello, Marianna Angelou, Fernando Agraz, Luis Velasco, Salvatore Spadaro,

Yvan Pointurier, Antonio Francescon, Chava Vijaya Saradhi, Panagiotis Kokkinos,Emmanouel (Manos) Varvarigos, Sawsan Al Zahr, Maurice Gagnaire, Matthias Gunkel, Dimitrios Klonidis and

Ioannis Tomkos

Abstract—Core optical networks using reconfigurable opticalswitches and tunable lasers appear to be on the road towardswidespread deployment and could evolve to all-optical meshnetworks in the coming future. Considering the impact of physicallayer impairments in the planning and operation of all-optical(and translucent) networks is the main focus of the DICONETproject. The impairment aware network planning and operationtool (NPOT) is the main outcome of DICONET project, whichis explained in detail in this paper. The key building blocks ofthe NPOT, consisting of network description repositories, thephysical layer performance evaluator, the impairment awarerouting and wavelength assignment engines, the componentplacement modules, failure handling and the integration ofNPOT in the control plane are the main contributions of thiswork. Besides, the experimental result of DICONET proposal forcentralized and distributed control plane integration schemes andthe performance of the failure handling in terms of restorationtime is presented in this work.

Index Terms—Optical Network Planning, Optical Network Op-eration, Physical Layer Impairments, Impairment Aware ControlPlane, Transparent Optical Networks.


The evolution trend of optical networks is a transforma-tion towards high-capacity and cost-effective core optical

Manuscript received June 15, 2010. The work described in this paperwas carried out with the support of the DICONET (“Dynamic ImpairmentConstraint Optical Networking”) (http://www.DICONET.eu) project, fundedby the European Commission through the 7th ICT-Framework Program.

Siamak Azodolmolky, Jordi Perello, Marianna Angelou, Fernando Agraz,Luis Velasco, and Salvatore Spadaro are with the Universitat Politecnicade Catalunya (UPC), C/Jordi Girona, 1-3. 08034 Barcelona, Catalunya,Spain (e-mail: {siamak,marianna,perello,lvelasco}@ac.upc.edu and{agraz,spadaro}@tsc.upc.edu).

Yvan Pointurier is with Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs, France, (e-mail:[emailprotected]).

Antonio Francescon and Chava Vijaya Saradhi are with Create-Net, Trento,Italy (e-mail: {saradhi.chava,antonio.francescon}@create-net.org).

Panagiotis Kokkinos and Emmanouel (Manos) Varvarigos are with ResearchAcademic Computer Technology Institute (RACTI), University of Patras,Greece (e-mail: {kokkinop,manos}@ceid.upatras.gr).

Sawsan Al Zahr and Maurice Gagnaire are with TELECOM ParisTech(E.N.S.T.), Network and Computer Sciences Department, 23 Avenue d’Italie,75013 Paris, France (e-mail: {alzahr,gagnaire}@telecom-paristech.fr).

Matthias Gunkel is with Deutsche Telekom AG., Darmstadt, Germany (e-mail: [emailprotected]).

Siamak Azodolmolky, Marianna Angelou, Dimitrios Klonidisand Ioannis Tomkos are with Athens Information Technology,19.5 km Markopoulo Ave., Peania 19002, Athens, Greece (e-mail:{sazo,mang,dikl,itom}@ait.edu.gr).

networks. In opaque networks, the optical signal undergoes anexpensive optical-electronic-optical (OEO) conversion at everyswitching node. One approach to decrease the cost is the use ofsparsely placed electrical or optical regenerators. The lack ofpractical all-optical regeneration, gives rise to the intermediateoptical network architecture, which are defined as translucentnetworks [1]. In translucent networks, a set of sparsely butstrategically placed regenerators (i.e., OEO conversion) is usedto maintain the acceptable level of signal quality from thesource to its destination. Conversely, in transparent opticalnetworks the signal remains in optical domain as it propagatesthrough a lightpath from source to destination. The promiseof future optical networks is the elimination of a significantamount of electronic equipment (lower CAPEX and OPEX), aswell as added capabilities, such as the ability to transport anytype of data format (modulation and bit rate independence)through the network and support for dynamic demands [2].As one of recent efforts toward this goal, the key outcome ofthe DICONET project [3] is the design and development ofan intelligent Network Planning and Operation Tool (NPOT),which considers the impact of physical layer impairments(PLIs) in planning and operation phase of optical networking.

Network planning is more focused on the details of how toaccommodate the traffic that will be carried by the network.In this phase, which typically occurs before a network isdeployed, there is generally a large set of demands to beprocessed at one time. Therefore the main emphasis of networkplanning is on finding the optimal strategy for accommodatingthe whole demand set (traffic matrix) [4], [5]. In networkoperation phase, the demands are generally processed upontheir arrival and one at a time. It is assumed that the trafficmust be accommodated using whatever equipment alreadydeployed in the network. Therefore the operation process musttake into account any constraint posed by the current stateof the deployed equipment, which, for instance, may force ademand to be routed over a sub-optimal path [6], [7].

Considering the impact of PLIs on transparent [8] andhighly dynamic optical networks [9] has received much at-tention recently [10], [11]. The work in [8] reported the resultof a centralized integration scheme for transparent networksconsidering various PLIs, while [12] only investigated a dis-tributed Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GM-PLS) integration for translucent networks.

Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network …· 2014-01-30· 2 In our previous work we demonstrated and compared the distributed and centralized impairment-aware - [PDF Document] (2)


In our previous work we demonstrated and compared thedistributed and centralized impairment-aware control planeintegration schemes for transparent optical networks withdynamic traffic [13]. In this work we present the DICONETNPOT and its key building blocks along with control planeintegration schemes. The performance of centralized and dis-tributed impairment-aware control plane approaches over arealistic 14-node experimental test-bed under dynamic trafficconditions are also presented. The experimental test-bed in-tegrates the developed NPOT engine, the extended GMPLScontrol plane protocols required for supporting the inno-vative DICONET solutions and the various communicationprotocols to allow all DICONET building blocks to run inan orchestrated fashion. To the best of our knowledge, forthe first time, impairment-aware control plane schemes withintegrated real-time Quality of Transmission (QoT) estimatorare demonstrated.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section II we presentthe architecture and key building blocks of the DICONETNPOT. The control plane integration schemes, in which theNPOT is integrated into an impairment aware control plane isexplained in Section III. The experimental setup and obtainedresults are presented in Section IV and Section V respectively.Section VI draws the conclusions of this work.


The main novelty of the DICONET project [3] is the designand development of a physical layer impairments aware NPOTthat incorporates the performance of the optical layer intoImpairment Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment (IA-RWA), component placement, and failure handling algorithms.The NPOT is integrated into a unified extended GMPLS-based control plane. The anatomy of the DICONET NPOTis depicted in Fig. 1. Network description repositories, QoTestimator, IA-RWA engines, component placement modulesand failure handling module are the key building blocks ofthe NPOT. The planning mode specific modules are accessiblethrough a command line interface (CLI). In order to realize thecommunication of the NPOT with the other entities in the DI-CONET control plane integration schemes (operation mode), amessaging protocol layer is designed and implemented on topof the standard TCP/IP socket interface. The modular designof the NPOT paves the way to enhance or upgrade each of itsbuilding blocks without affecting the overall functionality ofthe tool. In fact the DICONET NPOT evolves as new modulesor algorithms are replaced with the existing ones. In the sequelwe present each of these building blocks of the NPOT.

A. Network Description Repositories

The network description (both at physical layer level andtopology level) is included in two main repositories that arekept as external databases to the NPOT. The Physical Param-eters Database (PPD) is the master repository, which includesthe physical characteristics of the links, nodes and componentson the network. More specifically, physical characteristicsof nodes, amplifiers, attenuators, fibers (both transmissionfibers and Dispersion Compensation Fiber (DCF) modules),

transmitters, receivers and eventually the definition of physicallinks are kept in the PPD (expressed in XML format). TheTraffic Engineering Database (TED) includes the nodes anddetailed network topology in XML format. The connectivityof the nodes in the network and the definitions of networknodes (e.g. node ID, node IP address, node names) are kept inthis repository. The NPOT XML parser is responsible to parsethe XML repositories and transform the network description(physical specification and network topology) into the internaldata structures, which are stored inside the NPOT memory.The NPOT PPD and TED manager is responsible to managethe PPD and TED data structures, while they are residinginside NPOT memory.

B. QoT Estimator

In the framework of transparent optical networks, physi-cal layer impairments can be categorized into “static” and“dynamic” impairments. Static impairments are topology-dependent: they do not depend on the dynamic state ofthe network (i.e., established lightpaths). In particular, weaccount for the following static impairments: Amplifier Spon-taneous Emission (ASE) noise, Chromatic Dispersion (CD),Filter Concatenation (FC), and Polarization Mode Dispersion(PMD). Dynamic impairments depend on the presence andcharacteristics of other established lightpaths in the network.We account for the following dynamic impairments: Self-Phase Modulation (SPM), Cross Phase Modulation (XPM),and Four Wave Mixing (FWM) [10].

To assess the QoT of a lightpath in NPOT, we havedeveloped a “Q-Tool” which is able to compute the so-called“Q-factor” for a lightpath given the network topology, physicalcharacteristics, and network state (i.e., active lightpaths in thenetwork). The NPOT Q-Tool offers fast assessment of the QoTof a lightpath given a specific set of lightpaths, and physicaltopology; based on analytical and numerical simulations. Thebuilding blocks of the NPOT Q-Tool are presented in Fig. 2.The NPOT Q-Tool provides the required access to the physicallayer performance evaluator. The NPOT Q-Tool receives a setof lightpaths (at least one lightpath) and then computes the Q-factor of those lightpaths and return them back to the callingmodule. The Q-Tool is developed in MATLAB and interfacedto NPOT through a shared library. The Q-factor for a lightpathis a QoT indicator that is related to the signal’s Bit-Error Rate(BER), assuming an On-Off modulated signal:

BER =1



), (1)

where the Q factor is defined as [14]:

Q =P1 − P0

σ1 + σ0. (2)

In (2), P1 and P0 are the mean of the distributions (assumedto be Gaussian) of the received samples corresponding to thesent “1” and “0” bits, and σ1 and σ0 are the respective standarddeviations.

The overall QoT of the signal is reflected in the Q-factor,which considers the impact of the mentioned impairments asa single figure of merit (Qest):

Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network …· 2014-01-30· 2 In our previous work we demonstrated and compared the distributed and centralized impairment-aware - [PDF Document] (3)


Network Planning & Operation Tool (NPOT)

Planning Mode Specific Modules

TCP/IP (Standard socket interface)



QoT Estimator (NPOT_Qtool)

NPOT (Messaging protocols)

NPOTOnline IA-RWA(Centralized &





NPOTRegenerator Placement












Q-Tool_C (Shared library)

Network Description

(XMLs Generator)TopologyTXT

Physical Layer parameters

MATLAB® Component Runtime Library


Command Line Interface (CLI) [Standalone NPOT]

Network Description (Physical specifications + Topology)

PPD.XMLPNodes, Amplifiers, Attenuators,

Regenerators, Fibers, Transmitters, Receivers, Physical links

TED.XMLNodes, Topology





Fig. 1. Anatomy of DICONET Network Planning and Operation Tool: A) Network description repositories, B) QoT estimator, C) IA-RWA engines, D)Component placement modules, and E) Failure handling module.



Q-Tool Core Engine


Q-Factor computation module


Physical parameters & Lightpaths Network topology

Q-factor values (in dB)

Fig. 2. Building blocks of the NPOT Q-Tool module.

Qest = 20 log

(I1,min − I0,max

σ0,ASE + σ1

)−QpenPMD, (3)

σ1 =√σ21,ASE + σ2

XPM + σ2FWM. (4)

The numerator of (3) refers to the difference of the minimumdetected current at the level of “1” and the maximum at the “0”level which defines the distortion induced by SPM, CD and FCon the signal (Eye diagram closure effect). The summand inthe denominator of (3) includes the variances of all the noiseimpairments that add up to the total signal power variance.σ0,ASE and σ2

1,ASE in ( 3) and ( 4) refer to the variance of thedetected spaces (0s) and marks (1s) due to ASE noise. XPMand FWM are assumed only to add noise at the level of “1”sand therefore the non-linear induced degradation is expressedby σ2

XPM and σ2FWM. Finally, since the Q-factor is in fact a

figure of merit the PMD-induced penalty has to be subtractedfrom the total estimated Q-factor.

In order to quantify the impact of the static impairments(SPM, CD and FC) on the signal quality, the NPOT Q-Tool utilizes a detailed numerical Split-Step Fourier (SSF)method. During this process every optical signal is treatedas if there is only single-channel propagation, thus accountingonly for SPM, CD and FC. This approach achieves accuratecomputation of the state of the optical signal at the receiver-end without considering the presence of neighboring channelsthat would impose a prohibitive time penalty in the process.Thus, contrary to various similar works ([15], [16], and [17])that rely solely on analytical or semi-analytical models toestimate the QoT, the proposed Q-Tool introduces a balancebetween speed and accuracy by numerically simulating thesingle-channel signal propagation.

The analytical model utilized in the NPOT Q-Tool toestimate the power of the ASE noise of a cascade of inline(EDFA) amplifiers is similar to the models in [18], [19] toassess the accumulation of this effect and its impact on thelightpath QoT. The Gaussian distribution of the ASE-signalbeating noise facilitates the incorporation of its contributionto the Q-factor by considering the noise variances that aresuperimposed on the levels of marks and spaces.

The NPOT Q-Tool considers the impact of XPM on the per-formance of a single link according to the Cartaxo analyticalmodel [20], which is properly modified to match the specificlink architecture. The analytical expression of σ2

XPM is derivedusing the approach reported in [15].

The NPOT Q-Tool treats XPM and FWM as random noisethat affects the QoT identically as ASE noise, imposing

Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network …· 2014-01-30· 2 In our previous work we demonstrated and compared the distributed and centralized impairment-aware - [PDF Document] (4)


fluctuations that typically occur at the mark level. As shownin [21] this can be considered as a good approximationparticularly at the regime of relatively high Q and at the sameorder of magnitude as ASE noise. In [21] the XPM-induceddistortion is estimated using the frequency response of XPM-induced intensity modulation from a modulated pump channelto a continuous wave (CW) probe channel ([20] “Cartaxomodel”), as in the Q-Tool. It was shown in [21] that FWMis well approximated with a Gaussian distribution. Assuminga random behavior is particularly applicable in FWM due tothe fact that many independent channels contribute to the totalFWM power. The work in [21] utilizes the model reportedin [22] and is extended for a multi-span system, which isimplemented in the NPOT Q-Tool.

To estimate the PMD induced penalty on Q-factor valuesthe approach used in [23] is utilized in the NPOT Q-Tool.To calculate the PMD-induced penalty two different methodshave been generally followed [24]. One of them relies on asophisticated statistical modeling method that approximatesthe all-order PMD, while the other considers only the first-order PMD using an analytical or numerical approach. Despitethe restriction of the analytical model to the first-order PMDa comparison for a 10Gb/s NRZ signal in [24] demonstratedthat its penalty was in good agreement with the penaltyobtained with the statistical modeling. In fact NRZ signalsare primarily dominated by the first-order PMD rendering thechoice for the analytical approach valid for the frameworkof DICONET NPOT. However, in a higher-bit-rate system, inwhich robust modulation formats to PMD are utilized (e.g.RZ), the mentioned approach could not be applied.

C. IA-RWA Engines

During the network planning phase, the demand set (trafficmatrix) is already known at least partially, enabling the net-work operator to perform the resource allocation task offline.Since, in all optical networks, bandwidth is allocated under theform of lightpaths (i.e., the combination of a route betweentwo nodes, and a wavelength), the problem of pre-plannedresource allocation in such networks is called static or offlineRWA problem [10]. The offline IA-RWA algorithm, whichis utilized in the NPOT is named offline “Rahyab”1 andis adopted from [4]. There are two IA-RWA engines forthe operation (online) mode of the NPOT. In the distributedintegration scheme, which will be defined in more detail inSection III, the NPOT IA-RWA module receives a demand,computes k shortest routes from source to destination withoutPLIs consideration. In case of demand with (1+1) protectionrequirement, this module computes k diverse pairs of primaryand backup paths. The caller module (i.e., Optical ConnectionController “OCC”) tries to establish the lightpath from sourceto destination using the extended signaling protocol. If alightpath (or a pair of lightpaths) is (are) established the NPOTupdates its global data structure (via TED & PPD manager).If none of the k candidate routes are feasible, the caller (i.e.,OCC) sends the proper status code back to the NPOT. Inthe centralized integration scheme (defined in Section III) the

1Rahyab means “path finder” in the Persian language.

NPOT IA-RWA engine [6] computes the lightpath from sourceto destination and assigns a wavelength for it and returns itback to the caller (i.e., OCC). The OCC tries to establish thelightpath using the signaling protocol and returns the resultof the lightpath establishment process back to the NPOT. Ifthe establishment is successful, the NPOT updates the list ofactive lightpaths in the network and also updates the topologydata structure. If the lightpath establishment is not successful,the source OCC notifies the NPOT accordingly.

The IA-RWA engines in general can be used for transparentor translucent optical networks. In the case of translucentnetworks, the information regarding the regeneration sites(decided by the COR2P algorithm of the NPOT) are availablethrough the PPD repository. Particularly in the distributedscheme, the utilized IA-RWA engine is not constrained bythe regeneration sites, whereas the IA-RWA algorithm ofthe centralized case is able to exploit them. However, theexperimental setup represents a transparent optical networkand both centralized and distributed schemes are evaluatedunder similar conditions.

D. Component Placement Modules

Regenerator and monitor placement modules are two com-ponent placement modules of the NPOT, which are mainlydesigned for planning mode. The main assumption in all-optical network is that the network is truly transparent (all-optical), where all intermediate OEO conversion is eliminated.However, given that the longest connections for instance ina North American backbone network are on the order of8000 km, clearly some regeneration is still required. TheNPOT regenerator placement module is responsible for op-timizing the number of regeneration sites and modules thatare going to be deployed in the network. This module isdeveloped according to the COR2P (Cross Optimization forRWA and Regenerator Placement) algorithm [25], [26]. Thismodule receives a demand set (traffic matrix) along with thenetwork description and minimizes the number of requiredregeneration sites and regeneration ports in the network. TheCOR2P algorithm utilizes the NPOT Q-Tool in order toevaluate the performance of the physical layer. In additionto the regenerator placement, the NPOT exploits a specialpurpose monitor placement algorithm, which deploys opticalimpairment/performance monitors (OIM/OPM) on the net-work links. The OIM/OPM equipments can be utilized forenhanced QoT estimation, compensation of QoT estimationinaccuracy [7], or failure localization.

E. Failure handling

When a failure occurs, the optical transparency leads to apropagation of Loss-of-Light (LoL) alarms, which are detectedin the incoming port of all downstream nodes from the failurepoint. This makes additional failure localization functionalitiesnecessary in networks where transport plane devices operate intransparent mode. Such functionalities are provided in GMPLSby the LMP protocol [27].

Assuming that LoL alarms for one or multiple input wave-lengths are received, the goal of LMP is to determine whether

Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network …· 2014-01-30· 2 In our previous work we demonstrated and compared the distributed and centralized impairment-aware - [PDF Document] (5)




Optical node




Optical node



Optical node


Extended RSVP-TE


(QoT estimator)PPD & TED


Online IA-RWA(Routing engine)




Fig. 3. Distributed control plane integration scheme.

the failure has occurred in the local link connected to theupstream node of the affected lightpaths or in any of the furtherupstream links. For these purposes, the node, which detectsthe LoL sends a ChannelStatus message [27] to the adjacentnode containing the list of individual failed wavelengths (ifno individual wavelength is specified, this indicates that thewhole link is failed). Upon receiving this message, the adjacentnode correlates the failure alarms, checking whether it is alsodetected locally for the affected lightpaths. If the failure isclear on its input wavelengths, the failure is localized on thelink connecting both nodes. Otherwise, the failure is located ona further upstream link. Once the failure alarms are correlated,the upstream node sends a ChannelStatus message back to thedownstream node, indicating whether the link is failed or not.

Based on these GMPLS failure management features, thefailure handling module in the NPOT is responsible for re-acting upon data plane failure situations. This module collectsthe failure location information from the control plane, sent asan asynchronous trap message from the upstream OCC node.Furthermore, it updates the gTED and gPPD (global PPDand global TED) databases accordingly, so that failed networkcomponents are not used in subsequent lightpath computations.Once the upstream OCC node has notified the failure to theNPOT, it can also continue with the recovery of those affectedlightpaths. To this end, an RSVP-TE Notify message is sentto the source node OCC of each affected lightpath that, inturn, will request the backup lightpath to the NPOT in orderto restore the end-to-end connectivity.


Two control plane integration schemes have been inves-tigated and assessed within the DICONET project, namely,distributed and centralized. The remainder of this sectionpresents their details, together with the centralized lightpathrestoration procedures that are currently deployed in the test-bed. As will be shown, the NPOT modules described aboveplays a key role in both integration schemes and failurerestoration scenarios.

A. Distributed approach

In the distributed approach (Fig. 3), both RSVP-TE [28]and OSPF-TE [29] protocols were extended to consider PLIs,providing a compromise between network performance, con-trol overhead, and complexity. The OSPF-TE protocol wasextended to disseminate the wavelength availability infor-mation. The RSVP-TE signaling protocol was extended to

Centralized NPOT


Optical node



Optical node



Optical node



Q-Tool(QoT estimator)

PPD & TED manager

Online Multi ParametricIA-RWA engine

gPPD & gTEDOCC-NPOT & Failure handling Protocol



Fig. 4. Centralized control plane integration scheme.

collect real-time information of the PLIs during the PATHmessage traversal from source to destination. In distributedapproach, each node in the network runs an instance ofthe NPOT, which is connected to an OCC via the NPOT-OCC communication protocol that is specifically developed forNPOT integration schemes. Upon receiving a new connectionrequest, the source OCC node requests the online IA-RWAmodule of the NPOT to compute k-shortest routes from sourceto destination without the PLIs knowledge. However, thewavelength availability information stored in the gTED is usedin route computations. Once these k-routes are computed, thesource OCC node triggers the extended RSVP-TE protocol toinitiate the RSVP-TE signaling on the first candidate route.The RSVP-TE PATH message collects the PLIs informationfrom source to destination along the path. Upon receivingthe PATH message, the destination node requests its NPOTfor QoT estimation. If the QoT of the lightpath is acceptable(i.e., above a given threshold), then the destination nodes ofthe potentially affected lightpaths (i.e., those lightpaths thatshare at least one optical section with the candidate one) arenotified to request for a QoT estimation from their respectiveNPOTs. This verification step makes sure that the Q-factorof the affected active lightpaths remains above the requiredthreshold in spite of the establishment of the new lightpath. Ifthere is no violation, the destination nodes of these affectedactive lightpaths update their local databases with the newlightpath information and respond back to the destination nodeof the candidate one. If the re-computed Q-factor values of allaffected active lightpaths are above the threshold, an RSVP-TE RESV message is sent back to the source node and theactual cross-connections are properly configured. Otherwise,an RSVP-TE PATH ERR is sent to the source node, whichthen tries lightpath establishment on next candidate route. Ifnone of the k-candidate routes meets the required QoT therequest is finally blocked. In the distributed mechanism thecontention resolution is handled using standard RSVP-TE.During the RESV phase of RSVP-TE, if the wavelength isalready reserved for some other concurrent connection, theintermediate node sends a RESV-ERR message to the sourcenode which tries on the next candidate path. The current LSPsetup might also result in wrong evaluation of impairmentaffects and is handled using a distributed resource lockingmechanism.

B. Centralized approachIn the centralized approach (Fig. 4), the NPOT carries

out the impairment-aware routing and wavelength assignment

Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network …· 2014-01-30· 2 In our previous work we demonstrated and compared the distributed and centralized impairment-aware - [PDF Document] (6)


and failure handling functionalities, while the OCCs executethe extended GMPLS protocols and interface to the actualoptical nodes in the test-bed. A TCP-based messaging protocolhas been developed to facilitate the communication betweenOCCs and the centralized NPOT. Upon the arrival of a newconnection request, the source OCC contacts the online IA-RWA module of the centralized NPOT to request for animpairment-aware lightpath computation. During the lightpathcomputation, the online IA-RWA module utilizes the QoTestimator (NPOT Q-Tool) and the information of the gPPDand gTED (global PDD and global TED), which describethe network topology and the physical layer characteristicscompletely. In particular, Q-Tool is the module within NPOTthat quantifies the impact of the PLIs on the lightpaths’ QoT.Note that the same QoT estimator is also used in the distributedscheme.

When the NPOT finds a lightpath with guaranteed QoT (Q-factor value above a pre-defined threshold), the lightpath isreturned back to the source OCC which triggers the standardRSVP-TE signaling protocol. Upon successful establishmentof a lightpath, the global PPD and TED in the NPOT and thelocal PPDs and TEDs in every OCC in the network are updatedusing the extended OSPF-TE protocol. Finally, the sourceOCC updates the Network Management System (NMS). Incase of lack of resources/wavelengths or unacceptable QoT,the demand is blocked and the source OCC informs the NMSaccordingly.

When a link failure occurs, the NPOT failure handling mod-ule collects the failure location information from the controlplane and updates the gTED and gPPD databases accordingly.So the failed network components are not used in subsequentlightpath computations. Once the upstream OCC node hasnotified the failure to the NPOT, it can also continue with therecovery of those affected lightpaths. The source node OCCof each affected lightpath will be notified and will requestthe NPOT for the backup lightpath computation to restorethe end-to-end connectivity. Then, the source OCCs triggerthe signaling protocol for the actual lightpath establishmentas explained earlier (Section II-E).


The experimental evaluation of the proposed approaches hasbeen conducted on the DICONET test-bed located at the UPCpremises in Barcelona (Fig. 5). The physical characteristicsof the network are depicted in Fig. 6. The test-bed consistsof a configurable signaling communications network (SCN)running over Wavelength Selective Switch (WSS)-based OXCemulators. In this configurable SCN, optical connection con-trollers (OCCs) are interconnected by 100 Mbps full-duplexpoint-to-point Ethernet links, describing the same physicaltopology of the emulated optical transport plane.

Each OCC is interconnected with the respective OXCthrough the Connection Controller Interface (CCI). Moreover,the OCC-NPOT interface interconnects each OCC with therespective NPOT or the centralized NPOT depending onwhether the distributed or the centralized approach is eval-uated, respectively. Running on top of the architecture, the

Fig. 5. DICONET testbed set-up. Specific data plane topological parametersand offered traffic characteristics are depicted in the table beside.

Fig. 6. Physical layer characteristics of the test-bed, which are stored inXML description of the PPD and used by the NPOT Q-Tool.

developed NMS allows the request of soft-permanent light-paths via the Network Management Interface (NMI-A), whichare served by the GMPLS-enabled control plane automatically.In this way, long and tedious manual interventions relatedto the traditional static permanent transport services are hereavoided. Furthermore, the NMS allows a global supervisionof the network active lightpaths state, as well as the currentconfigurations in each network node. In the test bed, OCCs aredeployed using Linux-based routers (Pentium IV operating at 2GHz). Each OCC implements the full GMPLS protocol stack:RSVP-TE for signaling, OSPF-TE for routing and informationadvertisem*nt, and LMP for failure management. Both RSVP-TE and OSPF-TE protocols have been extended for carryingPLI information, as detailed in Section III.

In this work, a 14-node meshed network configurationdescribing the same topology as the generic Deutsche Telekom(DT) has been configured. The topology of this network andthe link lengths are depicted in Fig. 7. Moreover, 10 bidi-rectional wavelengths per link have been assumed. Given thephysical characteristics of DT network, lightpaths can be trans-parently established between any two nodes in the network.However, the heterogeneous characteristics of the fiber linksand nodes, and considering the impact of neighboring light-paths on each other, introduce cases in which the QoT of thelightpaths fall below the acceptable threshold. Regarding the

Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network …· 2014-01-30· 2 In our previous work we demonstrated and compared the distributed and centralized impairment-aware - [PDF Document] (7)


Fig. 7. The topology and link lengths of the Generic Deutsche Telekom(DT) network.

Fig. 8. Performance comparison of centralized and distributed approaches:lightpath setup time as a function of the offered load to the network.

traffic characteristics, uniformly distributed lightpath requestsarrive to the network following a Poisson process. Moreover,lightpath holding times (HTs) are exponentially distributedwith a mean value of 600 seconds. Different dynamic loads(in Erlangs) are thus generated by modifying the connectioninter-arrival times (IATs) accordingly (load = HT/IAT).


Figs. 8 and 9 depict the setup delay and the blockingprobability (BP) experienced by the incoming lightpath es-tablishment requests, depending on whether the distributed orcentralized approach is deployed in the network. In particular,k = 2 candidate shortest routes are computed in the distributedcase. Each result has been obtained as the average of 10,000requests.

Fig. 9. Performance comparison of centralized and distributed approaches:lightpath blocking probability as a function of the offered load to the network.

Looking at the results in Fig. 8, the distributed approachyields lower setup times, especially as the offered load to thenetwork increases. To explain this, note that in the centralizedscheme only one route computation is allowed at the sametime. Furthermore, a sufficient amount of time must be leftbetween two consecutive route computations in order to let thecentralized NPOT be fed with the new wavelength availabilityand PLI information. Otherwise, subsequent routes mightbe computed with inaccurate link state information. Hence,the centralized NPOT scheduler must delay new incomingrequests until the signaling and the respective flooding of theprevious connection establishment has been completed (around2 seconds in the test-bed). In contrast, the distributed approachcan benefit from parallel lightpath establishments, as the Q-factor values of the new LSP and the involved active onesare computed during the signaling process. This eventuallyresults into very attractive connection setup times, around 1.8seconds, 1/5th of the setup time reported in [8].

In contrast, Fig. 9 shows that the centralized approach leadsto lower BP than the distributed solution. In fact, end-to-end routes in the latter are computed only with wavelengthavailability information. These routes lead in some occasionsto unacceptable Q-factor of candidate or potentially disruptedlightpaths and hence need to be blocked. In contrast, routecomputation in the centralized approach relies on completeand updated wavelength availability and PLI information, sothe computed routes more likely satisfy the requested Q-factorvalues. Given that the scenarios assume only 10 channels perlink, both schemes yield somewhat high blocking probabilities.However the purpose of this result is to underline the relativedifference between the two schemes in the presence of highdynamic traffic.

In addition, we have conducted experiments to assess theperformance of the proposed centralized lightpath restorationprocedures in the network. To this end, we have independentlyloaded the network with 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 bidirectionalactive lighpaths between randomly selected node pairs. Thedynamic demands (i.e., requests for a lightpath) can request foreither a 1+1 protected or an un-protected restorable lightpath,

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Fig. 10. Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the measured lightpathrestoration time in the network.

respectively. For the the unprotected restorable lightpaths,a single QoT-compliant working path is established in thebeginning. In case that this path is affected by a failure, a newQoT-compliant backup path computation is requested to thecentralized NPOT and the lightpath is dynamically establishedthrough the GMPLS-enabled control plane. These connectionsfollow a 70-30% restoreable-protected ratio (i.e., for the 1+1protected lightpaths, working and backup lightpaths are estab-lished at the same time). Then, on each deployed networkscenario, 10 independent failures are caused in randomlyselected links (only those links carrying restorable traffic areconsidered), which makes restoration actions for each affectedrestorable lightpath to be triggered.

This set of 500 experiments enables the measurement of thetotal restoration time in the network, obtaining 3.6 secondsin average. For better illustration, Fig. 10 also plots theCumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of these measuredlightpath restoration times, that is, the probability that alightpath restoration does not exceed a certain number ofseconds. From the figure, we can see that 72% of the lightpathrestorations are performed only within 5 seconds, althoughthe sequential behavior of the NPOT may occasionally lead toincreased restoration times when a high number of lightpathsare affected (e.g., 10 s in 2% of the cases). Finally, we havemeasured the physical distances of the primary and backuplightpaths. From the results, the average physical distance ofthe primary lightpaths is 452 km, whereas it increases to630 km for the backup ones. Nonetheless, the NPOT alwaysassures the required QoT for them, which is crucial for thesuccessful restoration.


A key contribution of DICONET project is the design anddevelopment of a physical layer impairments aware networkplanning and operation tool that resides in the core networknodes that incorporates the performance of the physical layerin planning and operation decisions. The architecture and keybuilding blocks (i.e., network description repositories, QoTestimator, IA-RWA engines, component placement algorithms,

and failure localization modules) of the DICONET NPOTwere presented in this work.

This paper also presented centralized and distributed controlplane integration approaches for impairment-aware transparentoptical networks. From the experimental evaluation, the dis-tributed approach provides one fifth of the lightpath setup timethan that of previously reported (centralized) alternatives, alsooutperforming our centralized approach especially for hightraffic loads. For low traffic loads, however, our centralizedapproach results in reduced lightpath blocking ratio and similarsetup time delays than the distributed solution, thus being moreappropriate in such scenarios. Efforts in DICONET will bedevoted to further reduce lightpath setup time to milliseconds’time-scales by means of FPGA hardware acceleration.


The authors would like to thank the other DICONETpartners (ADVA, ECI, Huawei, IBBT, and University of Essex)for their valuable efforts, comments, and inputs.


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